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  1. N

    Fuel Prices

    It is, but it dosn't do the Diesel engine any good. For gasoline to really work on the alge (ie Kill all of it) you need at least a 50/50 mix. We put a 50/50 mix of Avgas in Jet fuel to solve our alge problem but a Jet or Turbine engine can run on the mixture where industral Diesel engins...
  2. N

    Fuel Prices

    When I was in avaition we had the same problem with jet fuel. The simple method we used will not work for Diesel engines but there is a method. In researching you will find that the problem will happen in any heavy fuel like diesel, jet fuel, or the new bio-diesel that may be stored long term...
  3. N

    New Baby Gill

  4. N

    Cattlemen concerned about training flights

    In 2005 they tried the same thing down here called the New Mexico Range Training Initiative. They wanted to expand the area which was ok with most of the people, but they wanted to drop the current hard deck restriction of no Mach speed runs from 30,000 ft MSL (Mean Sea Level) to the ground to...
  5. N

    Pour on........ kills?

    About 3 years ago, Our neighbor's hired man spent 3 weeks in the hospital tied to several machines tring to clean it all out of his system. This man weighed about 350. They had two bunches to do and they used both ivermec on one bunch and cydection on the other. Both came in the 5L with...
  6. N


    You could try one of these: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=93366 I had an older version that lasted about 4 years for me and it seemed to work real good for me. But, don't buy a spare if unless you know you are going to break the first one. I had one on the...
  7. N

    Ted Turner buys another 26,000 acres in NE

    He will get the other half of Nebraska at bottom dollar when his neighbors can't pay the new higher property taxes. :( :( :(
  8. N


    A very unique way of telling the truth. Outstanding Mrs. Carter :clap: :clap: :clap:
  9. N

    NM TB Status Remains The Same

    from the New Mexico Livestock Board Website / 8.8.07 Bovine Tuberculosis - The Tuberculosis (TB) status in New Mexico remains as it has been since the TB regionalization plan took affect in July of 2005. Most of the state has TB free status with a small TB Modified Accredited zone in the...
  10. N

    Wolf Position open

    Just one question: :roll: What Happened to the Last Biologist? :cowboy: Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:53 PM Subject: Wolf Position open The NMDGF wolf biologist position announcement opened today and will be open through 20 August. Please alert anyone that you think will know of...
  11. N

    Big Problem, Need Ranchers.net Help For

    How does this rule work when you are both the Boss and the Peon?
  12. N

    Ted Turner Fights Road Paving

    Down here we call that Opening all the windows on a windy day. :cboy:
  13. N

    New Mexico county wants to remove wolf from ranch

    You can see whose money is more important to a Govenor with stars of grandour than the people that actually work in this state. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. N

    New Mexico county wants to remove wolf from ranch

    Wish we could trap and relocate many federal employees. :twisted: