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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2006
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New Mexico USA
Cowhand dot com
By Julie Carter

There are just some things a computer can't do. And a cowboy who doesn't know a darn thing about a computer will quickly tell you exactly what those things are.

However, technology is persevering even in the pasture. Implanted computer chips with the animals complete data imbedded in them are in use and making themselves quite handy in controlled situations. As a need to track cattle origins from the pasture to the meat counter tops a priority list, "data based cowboying" is on the rise.

Feed programs, breeding programs, market watch and cattle sales are a few items on a long list of things in the cow business that have gone computerized.

In all this, what happens to the everyday run-of-the mill denim-garbed leather-shod felt hat wearing, colt riding cowboy?

Few years back Dan Roberts, a Texas cowboy, singer and song writer wrote and released an album and song called Cowhand.Com. The title cut takes a humorous look at the adventures of a cowboy who hires onto an outfit that is basically run by computers, not seasoned cowboys.

The misadventures of this technologically challenged cowboy who longs for the old days tell a story that was perhaps more prophetic that Roberts ever dreamed it would be. His intention was a witty take on the concept but the result was an outline of the real dilemma of crossing a cowboy with a computer.

The lyrics point out that no machine every shod a horse, pulled a calf or broke a bronc to ride. The laptop in his saddle bags got dusty riding drag and all that talk about menus, a mouse and booting up had the cowboy telling his boss to stick that Pentium right in his AOL and he pointed out that megabyte-ram-thing sounded inbred.

Book learnin' as they would call it, isn't foreign to cowboys, it just comes from books and takes place after dark when the work is done. My cowboy dad was a fiend for learning and was an easy mark for the encyclopedia salesman that somehow found us at the head of Muddy Creek where not many strangers trod.

We had not one, but several sets of encyclopedias just in case we four children needed to look something up. He also bought every update published for years after and several sets of assorted "how to" encyclopedias.

He learned taxidermy, beer making, electronics, mechanics, veterinary and many other useful things from his "how to" books. I often wonder what he would have done with the wealth of knowledge offered in today's world with the touch of keyboard.

Computerizing the cowboy way will only go so far. Technology has extended to providing data for the genetic, nutritional and medicinal history of a cow as well as her history of residence for her lifetime

The good news for the cowboy is it still takes man to bring the cow to the corral.

The statistical information can be downloaded from computer to computer, from hard drive to cd or even sent to the printer. But the paper trail through the office will never completely replace the cow trail through the pasture.

And that cow? She is going to download her own nutritional history into the same green pile she always did.
I actually have Dan Roberts CD. I got to watch and meet him at a bull sale in TX a few years back. Enjoyed it alot.

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