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  1. N

    POLL:Who'd be interested in an investment forum?

    Farmers and Ranchers having extra money to invest outside of their operations? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :help: What am I doing wrong? **I think it would be interesting.
  2. N

    Bull drags Police Officers down street

    You know that everything was checked befozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :D
  3. N

    Kolo - Where's that feedom thing?

    Thanks for the info. Now back to your post. have you tried a infared heat lamp with a settable thermostat? Thats what we use in our well house and it has worked rather well.
  4. N

    Kolo - Where's that feedom thing?

    I have been looking into this Peroxide thing. Is this what you have? http://www.essentialwater.net/
  5. N

    The Queen would like to have more impact.

    Gee, didn't Hillary try that during Bill's first term?
  6. N

    ABC's White House special struggled for viewers

    The infomercial would probably get better ratings at 3am :D
  7. N

    What did I see?

    That was just the first arrivals for the 2009 UFO Festival that is held in Roswell every year on the first weekend in July. See you there!! :lol:
  8. N

    Recoverable Natural gas

    "Recoverable Natural gas" Lets start with a huge dome built over Washington D.C., That would cut our dependance on overseas oil, ect. by probably 95% :lol:
  9. N

    Win A Prize. Caption This Photo.

    And the fun starts in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..POP! or *Announcer-Looking at the big screen.* "Now there's a look that would flash boil ice water." or "What where those American's thinking?" or "Who came up with this seating arraignment?" or "Oh Lord, Please forgive me...
  10. N

    fff yohoo? Gas Prices?

    BUT according to you, he was going to CHANGE that.
  11. N

    The Ice Age Cometh: Experts Warn of Global Cooling

    Global Warming?...........Global Cooling? You scientist had better get together and decide one way or another. Only Elected Politicians are allowed to talk out both sides of their mouth. I call it the Chicken Little Syndrome. All theory, No facts, Insufficient Data. Let me know when the...
  12. N

    Last train to Brokesville

    It may be different. In answer to your question, by the time most Americans wake up to what is going on they will have lost most of their ‘Rights’ and you will have a very large number of non english speaking men in 'Blue' helmets or berets on every street corner and all the veterans and other...
  13. N

    we need to ban Di-Hydrogen Monoxide

    I guess if they no longer need it we could sure use some down here. I will use anything to make the grass grow and make the cows fatter. :D
  14. N

    The Top Ten Reasons Obamanomics Won't Work

    Naw, They will be all lined up to get their free Gov't checks never realizing that they have no rights per say any more. And we will still be working to pay for them all.
  15. N

    Good Luck On Tracking Stimulus Money

    Typical Government. Throwing good money after bad just to keep your eyes off what they are really doing..
  16. N

    Gopher hunt

    Too bad I can't get the real gophers to pop up that quickly.
  17. N

    Obama signs huge expansion of youth brigades legislation

    Good or Bad. Too early to tell. On one hand it could be looked like a revamping of the old CCC of the 30's. On the other hand it could be the brainwashing type of youth corp that was started in an European country also in the 30's. Going to have to wait and see.
  18. N

    Free Range Pork (must read)

    Down here we call them feral hogs. A couple of years the state Health Dept. hired a plane and shot 16 of them from what I heard is that 14 out of the 16 carried the plague virus and that 11 out of 16 carried the rabies virus. They just passed a law down here that call them a nuisance varmint...
  19. N

    14 horses die just before polo match

    They were banding the word"Steroids" in the AM news but I have not seen any 'proof' put out yet. Anyone heard any updates?
  20. N

    Obama sends team to confront pirates

    But the Navy SEALS got there first. :D