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Kolo - Where's that feedom thing?

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2007
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I'm reading about another issue that is a little more than bug dust.


We use the high efficiency light bulbs for practically everything. It is just the smart thing to do to save nickels over the long haul.

BUT - I need the old fashion lightbulbs in the well house during winter. Cheaper and more reliable than to heat tape the submersible feed, the booster intake and out flow, the peroxide injection, the three pumps, the pressure tank and so forth. As long as the well hous remains above 32 degrees, all is good. Now they have outlawed common light bulbs. They want me to buy 200 feet of heat tape it seems.
Won't be no freedom when it comes to selling our homes either. We will have to have them up to government standards on weather proofing.

Means another charge for special inspection, some people not having money to get homes to standard to sell so they end up letting them get repossessed.

Government control in what kind of windows you have in your home! I swear moving to Canada is looking better and better!

All over a Hoax of global warming!

I have said it before, in next few years we will see more Timothy McVey situations because people are going to say enough is enough and the crazies will be violent!
backhoeboogie said:
I'm reading about another issue that is a little more than bug dust.


We use the high efficiency light bulbs for practically everything. It is just the smart thing to do to save nickels over the long haul.

BUT - I need the old fashion lightbulbs in the well house during winter. Cheaper and more reliable than to heat tape the submersible feed, the booster intake and out flow, the peroxide injection, the three pumps, the pressure tank and so forth. As long as the well hous remains above 32 degrees, all is good. Now they have outlawed common light bulbs. They want me to buy 200 feet of heat tape it seems.

Off topic I know, but tell me about your peroxide injection....
Silver said:
Off topic I know, but tell me about your peroxide injection....

Sulfur is strong in my water. I use a sparger in an overhead storage tank but it still had a little smell to it. Through the years we have tried a lot of different methods.

Hydrogen Peroxide solution (now you can only get 35%) injection into the water coming out of the well takes care of the sulfur. No smell and no more damage to copper in the house. We had gone through several A-frames on the central air unit because of sulfur degradation of the copper tubing.

It is expensive because the boss lady (wife) uses a lot of water. That's just how it is. She washes all the dishes before she puts them in the dish washer. It doesn't matter that I rinsed my tea glass, she's going to wash it. If I want another glass of tea, my tea glass from earlier will not be on the back of the sink. She will have washed it and put it in the dish washer. It is the same with a coffee cup. Its been 29 years now and I accepted that's just how it is.

She also waters the yard and a lot of plants. I am not set up to bypass the holding tank so a lot of peroxide goes out on the grass.

I can't tell you exactly how the peroxide works on the sulfur, I can just tell you it is the best thing that has ever happened to our well water. We actually drink it now.
aplusmnt said:
Won't be no freedom when it comes to selling our homes either. We will have to have them up to government standards on weather proofing.

Means another charge for special inspection, some people not having money to get homes to standard to sell so they end up letting them get repossessed.

Government control in what kind of windows you have in your home! I swear moving to Canada is looking better and better!

All over a Hoax of global warming!

I have said it before, in next few years we will see more Timothy McVey situations because people are going to say enough is enough and the crazies will be violent![/quote]
What is sad is more and more are talking like this. I never thought I would live to see another revolution but it seem I am smack dab in the middle of one.

Unless we as individuals, and then as a nation, conquer fear and apathy we are doomed to dependence and then bondage by a state ruled by the wealthy. That state of dependence is drawing near and only faith and the great courage of civil revolt and even civil disobedience can revitalize this nation ~ particularly with a major economic depression increasingly making its presence felt.

Sorry to take back your post :wink:
backhoeboogie said:
Silver said:
Off topic I know, but tell me about your peroxide injection....

Sulfur is strong in my water. I use a sparger in an overhead storage tank but it still had a little smell to it. Through the years we have tried a lot of different methods.

Hydrogen Peroxide solution (now you can only get 35%) injection into the water coming out of the well takes care of the sulfur. No smell and no more damage to copper in the house. We had gone through several A-frames on the central air unit because of sulfur degradation of the copper tubing.

It is expensive because the boss lady (wife) uses a lot of water. That's just how it is. She washes all the dishes before she puts them in the dish washer. It doesn't matter that I rinsed my tea glass, she's going to wash it. If I want another glass of tea, my tea glass from earlier will not be on the back of the sink. She will have washed it and put it in the dish washer. It is the same with a coffee cup. Its been 29 years now and I accepted that's just how it is.

She also waters the yard and a lot of plants. I am not set up to bypass the holding tank so a lot of peroxide goes out on the grass.

I can't tell you exactly how the peroxide works on the sulfur, I can just tell you it is the best thing that has ever happened to our well water. We actually drink it now.

I have been looking into this Peroxide thing. Is this what you have?

I have been looking into this Peroxide thing. Is this what you have?


Yes. We don't use the "Oxy Blast" but get the 30 gallon containers out of Tyler, TX. When the submersible pump cycles on to pump into the overhead storage tank, the other pump is also cycled on and injects peroxide into the water.

As I understand you were able to get a 50% solution a few years back but regulations have now cut it to a 35% solution. Since my fie uses so much water, one 30 gallon container only lasts about a year.
Thanks for the info.

Now back to your post. have you tried a infared heat lamp with a settable thermostat? Thats what we use in our well house and it has worked rather well.

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