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POLL:Who'd be interested in an investment forum?

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Who'd be interested in an investment forum?

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I think it would be an interesting addition.....IF...the libs could remain civil and refrain from the incessant name calling and nastiness.
loomixguy said:
I think it would be an interesting addition.....IF...the libs could remain civil and refrain from the incessant name calling and nastiness.

Do you not read your own posts loomix?.....You do nothing but name call certain people here...I do not undersatnd how some of you people see yourselfs here...Loomix you run down others,be-little and name call others,but you never take responsiblity for your rude,rasicts or mean spirited comments.....It is phonominal how different you see yourself then how you see others..... :roll:
Would it have a "for dummies" key/tutorial?
I know no one here is stupid but a bunch are uneducated and want to learn but dont want to be talked down to as a child..........
Farmers and Ranchers having extra money to invest outside of their operations?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


:help: What am I doing wrong?

**I think it would be interesting.

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