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fff yohoo? Gas Prices?

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
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Southeast Kansas
O fff, why have gas prices in my area went up 70 to 90 cents since Obama came into office?

Seems when gas prices went up under Bush you claimed it was Bush's fault. That he was an oil man and friend to the Saudis.

Please explain why now when the economy is bad and we are experiencing deflation that gas prices and oil would rise so quickly?

Why has Obama not did anything about it?

Do you want to admit now that it was not Bush's fault they went up so much? And you are just a biased liberal that blames Bush for everything?
Gas always has gone up right before and during the summer and esp Hurrican Season.

If you'll ck back...it was high last summer at this time...and the summer before that....and the summer before that....and so on and so on.
kolanuraven said:
Gas always has gone up right before and during the summer and esp Hurrican Season.

If you'll ck back...it was high last summer at this time...and the summer before that....and the summer before that....and so on and so on.

You and I may understand that gas prices rise during summer... but your answer has nothing to do with the question. :lol:

The question was..........last year, and before, the price increase was blamed on Bush according to the Liberal Moonbats.

Why not Zer0 this year?
Mike said:
kolanuraven said:
Gas always has gone up right before and during the summer and esp Hurrican Season.

If you'll ck back...it was high last summer at this time...and the summer before that....and the summer before that....and so on and so on.

You and I may understand that gas prices rise during summer... but your answer has nothing to do with the question. :lol:

The question was..........last year, and before, the price increase was blamed on Bush according to the Liberal Moonbats.

Why not Zer0 this year?

Maybe because Bush ='s Oil Companies

Obama does not!
kolanuraven said:
Mike said:
kolanuraven said:
Gas always has gone up right before and during the summer and esp Hurrican Season.

If you'll ck back...it was high last summer at this time...and the summer before that....and the summer before that....and so on and so on.

You and I may understand that gas prices rise during summer... but your answer has nothing to do with the question. :lol:

The question was..........last year, and before, the price increase was blamed on Bush according to the Liberal Moonbats.

Why not Zer0 this year?

Maybe because Bush ='s Oil Companies

Obama does not!

BUT according to you, he was going to CHANGE that.
kolanuraven said:
Gas always has gone up right before and during the summer and esp Hurrican Season.

If you'll ck back...it was high last summer at this time...and the summer before that....and the summer before that....and so on and so on.

If you look at a history of gas prices say for last 20 years. 90 cents a gallon and up to over a $1.00 a gallon is not a normal raise in prices for summer driving. Maybe a hike of 20 cents or so.

And years in past we were not experiencing such deflation and hard economic times.

There is no normal explanation to explain a $1.00 raise per gallon at a time when driving is being cut back. Normally we see a spike due to driving more in summer, but that is not the case this summer!

Maybe fff and OT and others that wanted to talk about speculators in past should look at who is trading in gas and oil and especially those very banks that got stimulus money but now are making a killing on oil and gas speculation, like Goldman and Sach!
hypocritexposer said:
Oil has almost doubled since obama took the helm.

If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....
Richard Doolittle said:
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
Oil has almost doubled since obama took the helm.

If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That's it. The economy is so much better now!

That is such a good comeback seeing as how we are each $668,221.00 in debt and climbing, not including the amount Buckwheat is about to pile on top of that. :lol: :lol:
Richard Doolittle said:
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
Oil has almost doubled since obama took the helm.

If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That's it. The economy is so much better now!

Just like these posts on Bull Sessions indicate- this may just be an indicator that the economy is improving...Some private funds are again flowing into these investments- and shut down oil field projects are again being activated....
Bernanke even said the other day- they may not have to put anymore money into the banks to shore them up- and some are repaying their loans because private capital is again flowing into them- replacing the taxpayer money...

Which was the first thing needed to start us out of the Bush Bust...

North America's Best-Kept Oil Secret

Let Wall Street lose their shirts in the Canadian Oil Sands.

You see, while many companies operating in the Oil Sands are in a full backpedal, the focus is shifting to a brighter spot on the energy horizon... one that 99.9% of investors will completely miss out on.

The Bakken Oil Formation.

Fact is, the Saskatchewan side of the massive Bakken deposit has seen 36 straight months of production growth.

And with the Bakken's 4 billion-plus barrels of recoverable oil, we're just getting started.

What's more-- A new floor's being established at this very moment with oil at $60+ a barrel. And unlike the Alberta oil sands--which needs $80 a barrel to turn a profit--these Bakken plays are money in your pocket at half that price.

So if you're on board with the price of oil going higher (and you'd better believe it is), there's never been a better time to get in on the ground floor of our Bakken stock plays.

Energy & Capital editor Keith Kohl has put together a new report to help investors discover why the Bakken basin will play a decidedly crucial role in North American oil production for years to come... and exactly how to position yourself for the next round of profits.

Oil sands 'back in black,' crude nears $70

Calgary — Globe and Mail Update, Wednesday, Jun. 03, 2009 04:06AM EDT

Surging oil prices and tumbling construction costs have pulled Alberta's stalled oil sands across a major threshold to future profitability, creating new expectations that a comeback may not be as far away as once feared.

Declines in the cost of steel and labour have combined with crude prices that yesterday neared $70 to bring the oil sands "back in black," said UBS Securities analyst Andrew Potter.

In a research report released yesterday, Mr. Potter calculated that new projects now need only $60 (U.S.) crude to turn a 10-per-cent profit. The very best projects, such as EnCana Corp.'s Foster Creek-Christina Lake, need only $40.

Those new estimates mark a dramatic turnaround from last fall, when analysts calculated that projects in Fort McMurray required $100 oil, as huge demands for labour and commodities pushed costs to extreme highs.

When oil tumbled far beneath that level, the industry delayed or outright cancelled a vast amount of projects.

Much of CERA's projected investment drop-off involves the oil sands region, where oil is literally boiled out of tar-like deposits. Canada is the largest oil exporter to the U.S. market, and much of it comes from the oil sands. Canada's daily production average for the oil sands this year is projected to be 1.3 million barrels.

However, warned the IEA report, falling prices and slumping demand have led to the suspension or cancellation of oil sands projects that collectively amount to 1.7 million barrels a day of lost production. Investment totaling more than $150 million has been curtailed, and these projects can't be profitable unless crude oil sells for $75 a barrel or more.

Nope. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oil drops below $68 as rally loses steam
By GEORGE JAHN – 1 hour ago

VIENNA (AP) — Oil prices dropped below $68 Monday as a rally that has roughly doubled the price of crude in four months lost some steam in the face of a still weak global economy.

Crude prices have risen in tandem with stocks as gloom about the global economy eased. But there is growing sentiment that the oil market may have overreached, leading investors to book profits.

Benchmark crude for July delivery was down 79 cents to fetch $67.65 a barrel by afternoon in European electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. On Friday, it settled down 37 cents at $68.44 after jumping as high as $70.32, the highest since October.

"I don't see the rally that we've had over the last couple of months as being sustainable," said John Vautrain, energy analyst at consultancy Purvin & Gertz in Singapore. "Inventories are still growing and OPEC production cuts haven't been big enough to offset that," he said. "The major economies are still weak and we are still losing demand."
OT you have to be one of the biggest hypocrites to ever walk the earth.

When oil prices climbed under Bush you blamed speculators, now that they are rising under Obama you say it is because the economy is doing better and on up swing! :roll:

Goldman and Sach are back speculating, using the Tax payer money we gave them. People are not driving more, there is not more of a demand to merit $1.00 per gallon rise in gasoline.

Goldman and Sach are one if not the biggest buyers of Oil and Gasoline all in speculation and now they got Stimulus money to gamble. But why not if they lose it Obama will just give them more!

Ps. Why is he not seperating investment banking and commercial banking incase they do fail? Why is he not correcting the wrong that Foreclosure Graham caused????????????????

When Goldman and Sach loses our tax dollars they will be wanting more, if they separated the banks then the investment banks could just fail with out killing the rest of the economy!

Why is Obama such an idiot? Why do you liberals support such stupidity? :shock:
A+-- there is one hell of a difference between $60 a barrel (a sustainable price to allow domestic production) and Bush's $140 a barrel Rape and Pillage figure...
Oldtimer said:
A+-- there is one hell of a difference between $60 a barrel (a sustainable price to allow domestic production) and Bush's $140 a barrel Rape and Pillage figure...

We thought you said that the run up in oil prices last year was due to speculators?

Did Bush put his little piddly paycheck in an "Oil" hedge fund? :roll: If he did, he lost the farm at the end........................ :lol:

Or..........do you really think that he WANTED Exxon to have to pay $140 per barrel?

And......wasn't the $140 prices GOOD for domestic producers?

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