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fff yohoo? Gas Prices?

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Oldtimer said:
A+-- there is one hell of a difference between $60 a barrel (a sustainable price to allow domestic production) and Bush's $140 a barrel Rape and Pillage figure...

How many years did it take to go up to the at $140? Did gasoline prices rise a $1.00 a gallon in Bush's first 5 months? I think not!!!!!!!! Same summer driving!

So when oil goes back up to $140 dollars a barrel under Obama you will admit you are a biased idiot?

Who you think is going to do more harm an Oil man or a Tree Hugging liberal that thinks oil is evil! Tree Huggers have always been the biggest reason for higher gas prices! They want to stop drilling and supply so prices go higher so we will use less of it and protect the environment more!

You are going to wish you had an oil man in charge in a few years!
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
Oil has almost doubled since obama took the helm.

If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That was the BS we were told by Obama....we were also told that IF we would pass his stimulus pkg unemployment would NOT go over 8%...last week it hit 9.4% and is now probably closer to 10%. Where was the stimulus?? We're now being given the same "The Sky Is Falling" story about national healthcare...Time for Barracko to step up to the plate and realize that things happening now are reaction to HIS policies.

Gas has gone from $1.39 to $2.49 here..that's almost an 80% increase. At the same time we have the largest stockpile of crude that we've had in the past 20 years. Barracko wants $5.00 gas...he said as much 8 months ago. How else will they sell those min-cars GM is going to be punching out like paperdolls??

OT...gonna have to go back to trail driving them beeves to market again and sell'em as skins and bones.
TexasBred said:
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
Oil has almost doubled since obama took the helm.

If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That was the BS we were told by Obama....we were also told that IF we would pass his stimulus pkg unemployment would NOT go over 8%...last week it hit 9.4% and is now probably closer to 10%. Where was the stimulus?? We're now being given the same "The Sky Is Falling" story about national healthcare...Time for Barracko to step up to the plate and realize that things happening now are reaction to HIS policies.

Gas has gone from $1.39 to $2.49 here..that's almost an 80% increase. At the same time we have the largest stockpile of crude that we've had in the past 20 years. Barracko wants $5.00 gas...he said as much 8 months ago. How else will they sell those min-cars GM is going to be punching out like paperdolls??

OT...gonna have to go back to trail driving them beeves to market again and sell'em as skins and bones.

Gas dropped here yesterday from 2.49 to 2.36 .
TSR said:
TexasBred said:
Oldtimer said:
If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That was the BS we were told by Obama....we were also told that IF we would pass his stimulus pkg unemployment would NOT go over 8%...last week it hit 9.4% and is now probably closer to 10%. Where was the stimulus?? We're now being given the same "The Sky Is Falling" story about national healthcare...Time for Barracko to step up to the plate and realize that things happening now are reaction to HIS policies.

Gas has gone from $1.39 to $2.49 here..that's almost an 80% increase. At the same time we have the largest stockpile of crude that we've had in the past 20 years. Barracko wants $5.00 gas...he said as much 8 months ago. How else will they sell those min-cars GM is going to be punching out like paperdolls??

OT...gonna have to go back to trail driving them beeves to market again and sell'em as skins and bones.

Gas dropped here yesterday from 2.49 to 2.36 .

Yea, because some have figured out that the Stimulus is not as "Stimulating" as Buckwheat promised. :lol: :lol:
TSR said:
TexasBred said:
Oldtimer said:
If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That was the BS we were told by Obama....we were also told that IF we would pass his stimulus pkg unemployment would NOT go over 8%...last week it hit 9.4% and is now probably closer to 10%. Where was the stimulus?? We're now being given the same "The Sky Is Falling" story about national healthcare...Time for Barracko to step up to the plate and realize that things happening now are reaction to HIS policies.

Gas has gone from $1.39 to $2.49 here..that's almost an 80% increase. At the same time we have the largest stockpile of crude that we've had in the past 20 years. Barracko wants $5.00 gas...he said as much 8 months ago. How else will they sell those min-cars GM is going to be punching out like paperdolls??

OT...gonna have to go back to trail driving them beeves to market again and sell'em as skins and bones.

Gas dropped here yesterday from 2.49 to 2.36 .

TSR, there is no rhyme nor reason to it. Ours went up almos tthat exact same amount over the weekend from 2.39 to 2.44 to 2.49.
TSR said:
TexasBred said:
Oldtimer said:
If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That was the BS we were told by Obama....we were also told that IF we would pass his stimulus pkg unemployment would NOT go over 8%...last week it hit 9.4% and is now probably closer to 10%. Where was the stimulus?? We're now being given the same "The Sky Is Falling" story about national healthcare...Time for Barracko to step up to the plate and realize that things happening now are reaction to HIS policies.

Gas has gone from $1.39 to $2.49 here..that's almost an 80% increase. At the same time we have the largest stockpile of crude that we've had in the past 20 years. Barracko wants $5.00 gas...he said as much 8 months ago. How else will they sell those min-cars GM is going to be punching out like paperdolls??

OT...gonna have to go back to trail driving them beeves to market again and sell'em as skins and bones.

Gas dropped here yesterday from 2.49 to 2.36 .

Possibly in response to the typical Memorial day fluctuation. 13 cents is a common holiday fluctuation. Gas prices normally will move sideways through out the summer months. Up a little down a little. It is the 1.00 per gallon overall increase that is in question.

If it was Bush in charge, fff, OT would be blaming an oil man or blaming lack of regulation of speculators. But since it is Obama in charge it has to do with stimulus working and economy improving! :roll:

Just curious how the Liberals like their tax dollars going to Goldman and Sach so they can speculate on oil and push gas prices up? You are getting double dipped by them, first they take your tax dollars then they make you poorer by causing a gas increase at the pump! How ironic is it that we pay the very person that causes us to lose money?

Do some research on Goldman and Sach! And what they are doing with our money.

Change we can Believe in!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:
TexasBred said:
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
Oil has almost doubled since obama took the helm.

If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That was the BS we were told by Obama.....

Apparently you and I don't remember the same George Bush time period- when he and Paulson kept echoing "the fundamentals of the economy are strong"-- while many of the economist said for most of the year we'd already been in a recession- with years of stagnated middle class wages/earnings...(And I'd been saying on here for 3 years that Bush would bankrupt the country :wink: )

He (and his puppet McCain) echoed this while Lehman brothers were shutting their doors and filing for Bankruptcy on Sept 15- and the banking world and financial institutions started tumbling around him...

Then just days later he- along with Paulson and Bernanke were addressing the Congress- asking them to "rise to the occasion" and pass legislation ($700 Billion for TARP) bailing out the struggling financial system to prevent an economic collapse that would shut the country down....
Was Bush/Paulson/Bernanke handing out BS too... :???:

And some say that was too late- they had fell asleep at the wheel too long- and the US economy/financial system as we know it totally has disappeared......
And sadly I got to say " I TOLD YOU SO".....
And some say that was too late- they had fell asleep at the wheel too long- and the US economy/financial system as we know it totally has disappeared......
And sadly I got to say " I TOLD YOU SO".....

You love to say this don't you OT.....amazing that for 7 of the Bush years you should have made huge amounts of money....I did.....surely you did, so I'm not blaming Bush personally as you are.

But you are right. The American economy as we know it will never be the same with the policies "barracko" is putting into effect. Sit at the watering hole and watch it happen..
Oldtimer said:
TexasBred said:
Oldtimer said:
If you remember right- then the whole countries economy was on the verge of collapse/meltdown too....

That was the BS we were told by Obama.....

Apparently you and I don't remember the same George Bush time period- when he and Paulson kept echoing "the fundamentals of the economy are strong"-- while many of the economist said for most of the year we'd already been in a recession- with years of stagnated middle class wages/earnings...(And I'd been saying on here for 3 years that Bush would bankrupt the country :wink: )

He (and his puppet McCain) echoed this while Lehman brothers were shutting their doors and filing for Bankruptcy on Sept 15- and the banking world and financial institutions started tumbling around him...

Then just days later he- along with Paulson and Bernanke were addressing the Congress- asking them to "rise to the occasion" and pass legislation ($700 Billion for TARP) bailing out the struggling financial system to prevent an economic collapse that would shut the country down....
Was Bush/Paulson/Bernanke handing out BS too... :???:

And some say that was too late- they had fell asleep at the wheel too long- and the US economy/financial system as we know it totally has disappeared......
And sadly I got to say " I TOLD YOU SO".....

The fundamentals use to be strong, now I am starting to doubt rather they ever will be again.

Problem is you do not understand what a Fundamental is!

I will try to explain it in Cow language so you can understand it.

A Rancher has 500 cows all nice looking top of the line Charolais then he gets a new ranch manager and the ranch manager decides to go buy 20 of the sorriest half Angus half Holstein bulls you ever saw.

Next year you go look at his cattle and he has around 1,000 head 500 great Cows but 500 sorry worthless calves. Once could say he has a messed up heard and they would be correct, the Bulls are sorry and the calves are sorry.........................But the fundamental of the heard is good, that being the cows!

Problem is we now have a sorry Angus Bull running our country, and if he is not stopped we may be selling off them good cows and keeping replacement heifers from that sorry bull, once that is done the fundamental of the heard is no longer strong, it has all gone to hell and it will take a long time to build it back up!
You couldn't pay me to use a charolais bull...

But you keep telling yourself how much GW did for you and you'll be full of bull.... :wink:
aplusmnt said:
A Rancher has 500 cows all nice looking top of the line Charolais then he gets a new ranch manager and the ranch manager decides to go buy 20 of the sorriest half Angus half Holstein bulls you ever saw.

It would still improve those " Chevy's"........ :wink:
Oldtimer said:
You couldn't pay me to use a charolais bull...

But you keep telling yourself how much GW did for you and you'll be full of bull.... :wink:

Due to your lame response I will assume you now understand exactly what a Fundamental is! See you are never to old to learn, maybe to stubborn to admit it but that is another issue!

Ps. You do not have to use a Char bull, just do not use a worthless 1/2 angus socialist bull. Pick a good quality Angus bull and kick out some nice smokes! Instead of some Heinz 57 culls.

OT feel free to over use the word Fundamental now that you know what it means, I know that is something my kids always did once they learned a new word! :wink:
Yep- A+-- you keep telling yourself that King George the Great didn't get caught with his pants down.... :roll:
Only the rightwingernuts that backslapped him while he ruined the country and don't want to look- see it that way.....

Don't be afraid to see what you see.
~Ronald Reagan
"Only the rightwingernuts that backslapped him while he ruined the country and don't want to look- see it that way..... "

Insert "left" for "right" and look in the mirror.
aplusmnt said:
Oldtimer said:
You couldn't pay me to use a charolais bull...

But you keep telling yourself how much GW did for you and you'll be full of bull.... :wink:

Due to your lame response I will assume you now understand exactly what a Fundamental is! See you are never to old to learn, maybe to stubborn to admit it but that is another issue!

Ps. You do not have to use a Char bull, just do not use a worthless 1/2 angus socialist bull. Pick a good quality Angus bull and kick out some nice smokes! Instead of some Heinz 57 culls.

OT feel free to over use the word Fundamental now that you know what it means, I know that is something my kids always did once they learned a new word! :wink:

Evidently the voters knew what Bush meant by the word "fundamentals". 8 yrs and the fundamentals crumbled.
Oldtimer said:
Yep- A+-- you keep telling yourself that King George the Great didn't get caught with his pants down.... :roll:
Only the rightwingernuts that backslapped him while he ruined the country and don't want to look- see it that way.....

Don't be afraid to see what you see.
~Ronald Reagan

Very good quote OT...and if it ever had meaning, it has become even more meaningful since 1/20/09....Making a mistake is human...to refuse to acknowledge it and try not to make it again is "obamish".

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