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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2005
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South East Texas
I washed my cell phone. Came in after bein on the tractor for 8 1/2 hours today. Took a shower, gathered up jeans to wash...and yeap my phone was still in my pocket. They told me that I was due for an upgrade here a couple weeks ago. I'm wonderin, is it cheaper to do the upgrade, or use my insurance ($50 deductible) to get a new phone?

Anyone else done this? It's ok to admit it....I admitted it LOL
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
I washed my cell phone. Came in after bein on the tractor for 8 1/2 hours today. Took a shower, gathered up jeans to wash...and yeap my phone was still in my pocket. They told me that I was due for an upgrade here a couple weeks ago. I'm wonderin, is it cheaper to do the upgrade, or use my insurance ($50 deductible) to get a new phone?

Anyone else done this? It's ok to admit it....I admitted it LOL

If you just getting a basic phone it is probably cheaper to upgrade.
I upgraded to a $300 phone for $99. Lots of upgrades are FREE. :D
Your not alone, Lilly. I was baling hay one morning, when a knotter miss tied. I had to crawl under the baler to rethread the twine tensioner, slacker arm, and needle etc.....didn't want to damage my phone in the process, so I took it out of my shirt pocket and laid it on the baler tire. :oops: Bad idea! You guessed it, I forgot to pick it up. The phone fell off right in front of the tire and promptly got crushed. :( Naturally, I remembered it about 5 minutes later, back tracked the baler and found my phone, looking like so much road kill. Oh well.

I didn't have the insurance, so I just bought another phone. If you are available for an upgrade, you can probably get a similar phone or upgrade to a better one for not much more than your deductible.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
I washed my cell phone. Came in after bein on the tractor for 8 1/2 hours today. Took a shower, gathered up jeans to wash...and yeap my phone was still in my pocket. They told me that I was due for an upgrade here a couple weeks ago. I'm wonderin, is it cheaper to do the upgrade, or use my insurance ($50 deductible) to get a new phone?

Anyone else done this? It's ok to admit it....I admitted it LOL

Depends if you want to continue the contract. If you get another phone, you also get to renew your contract....whether you like it or not. You probably have cel service at your house (we don't) and it will probably be worth it. Hope this helps.
I was going to get a new phone when mine broke, until they told me I had to renew my contract for two years. I think that is alot of BS. :mad:
Even after I have been with them for an extra year after the last contract expired, made me think about switching, that and getting dropped as often as I do. :twisted:
So I used my insurance and paid the deductable and got a brand new phone anyways. :lol:
Have you tried drying it out and seeing what happens??? Or is it too trashed?

I dropped mine in the toilet once.
:shock: :shock:

Laid it on the sideboard in the basement and was washing my hands in the sink, then reached to get the phone and hands were still wet and "pop" that baby flew right into the potty!!

I dried it out and it works like a charm now.
Have had phones around here in the water trough, through the combine, under the tire, up the auger and a host of other stupidity. Haven't had insurance. If the contract is not up we just go buy the cheapest pay as you go phone and then go down to our local service dealer and get them to program in the old number. They always say they're not suppose to do that but don't want to loose a customer so they always do. Sometimes the water phones can be taken apart and dried out and put back into service.
Everyone has a cell phone story to tell Lilly,so dont be to embarassed,was feeding some cows last winter in a muddy trap when one brushed up against me just enough to knock my phone off my belt,and then perfectly stepped on it sqishing it in about 6 inches of mud,If I didnt know better ,i would swear the old girl did it on purpose.
Are yall drying out a little,rain missed me again as usual,waitin for rain around here is as useless as sittin a milk bucket under a bull.
good luck
I've got it layin on the bar, all took apart, belly up lookin like that lil man in the game "Operation" LOL Hopefully it'll work when dried out. I'm gonna leave it sittin for a few days. Then try it. Want it to be totally dry before I turn it on.

If not, I'll see what they say, and if they want me to renew my contract and all that junk, I maybe will just buy a phone off ebay or somethin. All I gotta do is put my sim card in it. Don't hafta have nothin activated. Then again I may just use my insurance. All depends on how much they wanna charge me for it all. LOL

We are dry enuff to shred, I've been at it the last few days. Wackin all the weeds that are now growin like I don't know what!!!! Fixin to go climb back on the tractor.
put your cell phone in a small tub of rice -- enough to cover it lily...it'll suck the moisture out of it and it should work just fine...let it sit a few days like that in the rice before starting it up...
Rice, huh? That's good to know. Will that work with a portable phone as well?

I had a Motorola Razor phone (pink) that I bought from the phone company in
Montana. When I moved to SD, I took that phone to Altel and they won't let me use it. They sold me another Motorola phone,(silver) exactly like the one I already have. This makes no sense to me. Does anyone know how I can use the pink phone? I think the battery is going on the silver one I use because it won't hold a charge for all day.

If nothing else, can I take the battery from the pink phone to use in the silver one?

I'll appreciate your comments.

Hope you get yours to work, Jersey Lilly.
Faster horses said:
Rice, huh? That's good to know. Will that work with a portable phone as well?

I had a Motorola Razor phone (pink) that I bought from the phone company in Montana. When I moved to SD, I took that phone to Altel and they won't let me use it. They sold me another Motorola phone,(silver) exactly like the one I already have...Does anyone know how I can use the pink phone?

If nothing else, can I take the battery from the pink phone to use in the silver one?

Yes, it should work on a portable too...just have to have enough to cover the unit so it can absorb the water and draw it out.

As long as the phone is the exact same one, you can interchange the batteries...you'll just have a two-toned phone!! :lol:

Don't know how you can use your pink phone...most times, they sell you a new phone, just because they can...no reason the cell phone company couldn't have reprogrammed your pink one with the new SD phone number...especially if it is the same company. If it's not the same cell phone company, then the cell phone company (Altel) will tell you they cannot guarantee the success of reprogramming a new number on your old phone....it's GREEK to me!!

If you really want a "use" for your old phone, turn it in to your local Police Department or Sheriff's Department. They take them and offer them to people in need for emergency calls only. ALL cell phones, regardless of whether it has service from a cell company, will dial and tap into 911.
My friend was having alot of trouble with her cell phone. She took it to the same place she got it from. They wouldn't replace it even though it was a problem with the phone itself.
She walked out to the parking lot, put it under the front tire of her truck and ran over it 4 or 5 times. Then took it back in and paid the $50 bucks and got a better phone.
Well....after it layin on the bar until today, we put it back together, put it on the charger. And.....it's dead. It won't hold a charge. I can turn it on, but it won't call out, I have no sound whatsoever. No speaker noise at all. Won't even vibrate. So...looks like I gotta go get another phone. :? We were able to turn it on while it was plugged in and save all my phone numbers to my sim card. So at least that's a plus. I won't loose em all. Had quite a few in there that I don't have written down anywhere else.

I have a razor that I do not use anymore I had an extended life battery with it,

Shoot me a message if you want it and I will mail it to you, I have no use for it,


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