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Leachman And Waldorf Pics

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Northern Rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Finally got home to put pics up.


The old Hairpin Sip'n whiskey stud


Happy Appy for Dylan


Peppi Dox Palimino


One of the Blues


One of the Reds


I Ain't fussy about who I travel with lol


Couldn't Resist this filly


Suffolk Punch Stud at the Waldorf


His girlfriends


Couple geldings to be
Looks like you got some pretty nice ponies there NR. That one stud though I don't know about looks like he comes with a pretty big feed bill. I bet though he will make some everyday horses that won't quit you.
Pretty sharp horseflesh there. Really like the Sip'n Whiskey stud. You did well to buy him. The filly does look to have all the parts put together correctly.

The Suffolk horses appear to be of very high quality too. My old teamster father would be slobbering down his beard if he saw those. Looks like that young fella on the lead is stepping light and making sure he stays out in front of the big boy. :D
The big stud had been hauled 700 miles unloaded twice and had a fresh mare on other side of the gate so he was feeling his oats. Were going to hook the 4 bigger mares right away. I guess there are only 1500 Punch horses left worldwide so hopefully the Waldorf can do their part to preserve a worthy breed. What I like about them is how sound they are and they haven't bred the work out of them making them into hitch horses. We'll winter quite a few cattle so they'll get a chance to earn their keep.
I have a question NR. You have gathered many fine horses there. Not being a heavily horsed ranch (therefore limited experience with that number of equines) could you give me a thumb nail sketch of how you plan turn them into profit. I am feeling like that guy on Dragons Den, they aren't pretty unless they are profitable. I am not suggesting for a moment that there isn't a plan I was just curious what it entails.
Not the slightest bit worried just curious what direction your plan was heading. I can see several different enterprise possibilities just was curious.
pups and bucks said:
NR....guess I'm a little outta the loop.........but.......what's with the flea collars on some of them?

Thought I would answer, since no one else had. The blue "collars" are merely markers of what horse each is.....kinda like an ear tag. I always said if you have to use them you know you have too many horses!! :lol:
While i am not a horseman, all I can say is Gee! Save some of them pictures. When the topic of horses comes up on Picture Contest, we would like to see them again.
So do you get papers on any of them or is that a lost cause. I'm not into breeding horses but that stud looks like a good one. I watched a show on those Suffolk Punch horses was quite interesting.
Some good horses there.stud is great.Are getting the papers transfered a issue.seen some where they might not be able to transfer them.Do.nt think Mr Jim as owner will sign any transfer.
nice looking horses love the blue & red roans....

for the guy that wanted to know Hairpin Sip N Whiskey breeding..

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