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Courtesy of leanin' H

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CattleArmy said:
mytfarms let's go back to fighting over Pharo cattle before this place errupts in more slams and name calling.

Ok I'll start.

Pharo cattle suck. :D
How does having the type of cattle that make money suck??????? :?
CattleArmy said:
mytfarms let's go back to fighting over Pharo cattle before this place errupts in more slams and name calling.

Ok I'll start.

Pharo cattle suck. :D

How dare you?! You think that bigger cows necessarily return bigger profits? What's wrong with mine? (If they fall over, they roll right back up. What's wrong with that?)
sw said:
I find this totally humorous, this is why I have not logged on to this site for a long time. When it was first started it was ranchers and farmers comparing notes, not a bunch of cry baby liberals calling everybody that does not agree with them names. Thanks for being such a good moderator OT, glad you could delete anything that did not agreee with your cut and paste crap from the Huffington Post. I could add a bunch of things that one of your neighbors told us but I won't, I was taught by Thumpers mom that if you could not say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Adios Ranchers, I have the email and phone numbers of those that matter, I think I will go and have a beer with Jinglebob. :wink: :wink: :wink:

If calling names makes one a "liberal" then then alot of your so-called conservative friends must be liberals.
sw said:
I find this totally humorous, this is why I have not logged on to this site for a long time. When it was first started it was ranchers and farmers comparing notes, not a bunch of cry baby liberals calling everybody that does not agree with them names. Thanks for being such a good moderator OT, glad you could delete anything that did not agreee with your cut and paste crap from the Huffington Post. I could add a bunch of things that one of your neighbors told us but I won't, I was taught by Thumpers mom that if you could not say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Adios Ranchers, I have the email and phone numbers of those that matter, I think I will go and have a beer with Jinglebob. :wink: :wink: :wink:

And yet we have another one with a Fare thee well speech, prob wanting someone to beg them to stay, who rides off into the sunset!!! :roll: :roll:

Geezzz, talk about cry babies.....run off and pout!!! :roll: :roll:
kolanuraven said:
sw said:
I find this totally humorous, this is why I have not logged on to this site for a long time. When it was first started it was ranchers and farmers comparing notes, not a bunch of cry baby liberals calling everybody that does not agree with them names. Thanks for being such a good moderator OT, glad you could delete anything that did not agreee with your cut and paste crap from the Huffington Post. I could add a bunch of things that one of your neighbors told us but I won't, I was taught by Thumpers mom that if you could not say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Adios Ranchers, I have the email and phone numbers of those that matter, I think I will go and have a beer with Jinglebob. :wink: :wink: :wink:

And yet we have another one with a Fare thee well speech, prob wanting someone to beg them to stay, who rides off into the sunset!!! :roll: :roll:

Geezzz, talk about cry babies.....run off and pout!!! :roll: :roll:
And who is CRYING about every thread being a sermon?????
Geezzz!!!!! :roll: :lol: :lol:
RobertMac said:
kolanuraven said:
sw said:
I find this totally humorous, this is why I have not logged on to this site for a long time. When it was first started it was ranchers and farmers comparing notes, not a bunch of cry baby liberals calling everybody that does not agree with them names. Thanks for being such a good moderator OT, glad you could delete anything that did not agreee with your cut and paste crap from the Huffington Post. I could add a bunch of things that one of your neighbors told us but I won't, I was taught by Thumpers mom that if you could not say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Adios Ranchers, I have the email and phone numbers of those that matter, I think I will go and have a beer with Jinglebob. :wink: :wink: :wink:

And yet we have another one with a Fare thee well speech, prob wanting someone to beg them to stay, who rides off into the sunset!!! :roll: :roll:

Geezzz, talk about cry babies.....run off and pout!!! :roll: :roll:
And who is CRYING about every thread being a sermon?????
Geezzz!!!!! :roll: :lol: :lol:

BUT.....do you see me cutting and running?

Making a departing speech, saying " Ok I'm leaving now"

" I'm really going"

" Yep, see me leaving?"

" I'm fixin' to begin to start to make my last post!"

" Yep, Ya'll have run me off, I'm really gonna leave this time"


First off I'd not give ya'll the pleasure.

Some here got pizzed off and left and did just that...... left. No speech, no drama no parting shots at others, they just up and left.

Katrina left ,and eventhough she hated my guts I must say she did it right. Red Robin also, just left without any speeches and drama.

If you're gonna go....just go! End of story!
kolanuraven said:
RobertMac said:
kolanuraven said:
And yet we have another one with a Fare thee well speech, prob wanting someone to beg them to stay, who rides off into the sunset!!! :roll: :roll:

Geezzz, talk about cry babies.....run off and pout!!! :roll: :roll:
And who is CRYING about every thread being a sermon?????
Geezzz!!!!! :roll: :lol: :lol:

BUT.....do you see me cutting and running?

Making a departing speech, saying " Ok I'm leaving now"

" I'm really going"

" Yep, see me leaving?"

" I'm fixin' to begin to start to make my last post!"

" Yep, Ya'll have run me off, I'm really gonna leave this time"


First off I'd not give ya'll the pleasure.

Some here got pizzed off and left and did just that...... left. No speech, no drama no parting shots at others, they just up and left.

Katrina left ,and eventhough she hated my guts I must say she did it right. Red Robin also, just left without any speeches and drama.

If you're gonna go....just go! End of story!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

When you were Lulu and leaving you gave us a farewell crybaby speech before leaving.

Ps. Missed this before, so now we know you lied about computer problems since you announced your departure before you left. :wink:

Can you spell Hypocrite????????????

Lulu said:
I saw an earlier post where some of you were asking other members not to be so mean and rude to others on the site. Well, why in the world are you so mean and one sided to this person Disagreeable? Is this just a posting site of people of a like mind who do not want to hear anything other than THEIR mantra repeated?

This "Disagreable" person, who ever that may be, has opinons also and this IS a public web site on the internet. If you do not want any other views than your own...make it private site.

I tend to agree with Disagreeable 98% of the time so you will not need to tell me to go away as I will as this has become WAY too narrow minded for me.

Please people, have an open mind and listen to others, never know what you might learn nor where you might meet up with them one day in the most unlikely places or situations.

Life is fun and the world "is" round!!! Farewell and happy ranching/farming!

kolanuraven said:
AHOLE....you got that bumper sticker yet? :roll: :roll: :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol: You got pie on your face and that is all you have to say. Pretty big grandstanding there about how you would never give a farewell speech!!!!!!! And you done went and did it already!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Not to mention in your farewell speech you sounded like a wimpy girl or something. Must have been the nads had not dropped yet back then huh? :wink:

Read a few of your Lulu post, you were a lot softer back then, what happened to you? :?

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