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Are Gay Slurs Appropriate do Good People Use Them?

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Hey don't knock that rehab stuff it worked really well for your boys rush and ted.

I havaen't listened to Rush in years,..10 at least...So I wouldn't call him my boy....

as for Ted?...Ted who?..

but as for the rehab...

rehab for Drugs is understandable...and might even work for a few people....

but rehab becuase you called someone a fagot....or forgot wear you put your panties..ect.,.....get real ...these same people may need counselling for problems but what most really need is a dose of Reality....most are just a bunch of pampered brats all dressed up as adults,.. (or not in some cases)...

childish actions and stupidy are not going to get fixed by rehab...

in fact Drug use is seldom fixed by rehab....

accepting responsibilty for your actions is a better fix,..
then sitting around in a circle whining about how bad your life is:,..
Steve, Ted Hagart (preacher) fell off the wagon and got himself a boyfriend Actually I agree with you on this rehab crap but its not only liberals that use it.

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