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  1. G

    Try this

    A man with a beard and long hair. Jesus, maybe? Heh.
  2. G

    How's your weather today?

    Yesterday we just had tornadoes pass through here. It wasn't so bad for my part, just heavy hail and strong winds. It's just been freezing today, but isn't it usually cold after a tornado?
  3. G


    Any ranchers here live in Tennesee? I realize this may be in the wrong place and such, but I'm just curious. Heh.
  4. G


    I thought of something better. My mom's boyfriend who's practically my stepdad seems to know a few ranchers we saw the other morning at Waffle House. The restaurant. He said hi to them and we sat near them. I heard them discussing their ranches/farms or whatever they run. Perhaps I should ask...
  5. G


    I'll try that.
  6. G


    Well, you see, it's a shame. I go to high school next year in August I start 9th grade. But I already picked my classes and agriculture was not one of them. So, yeah, but I suppose I can still ask him. I might do that 4H thing too.
  7. G

    Got it layed down - Finished w/more pics

    Wow, that must've took a mighty long time. I applaud you. Course, I've never actually cut acres and acres, so I wouldn't know. Heheh.
  8. G


    Alright, look, I'm fourteen. I realize that my generation has technology and computers and such in the future for us. I know that. But me, I don't want to work that kind of career. I want something hard working, outdoors, and I wanna be on my own agenda. I've been considering ranching. Now of...