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Apr 8, 2006
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Alright, look, I'm fourteen. I realize that my generation has technology and computers and such in the future for us. I know that. But me, I don't want to work that kind of career. I want something hard working, outdoors, and I wanna be on my own agenda. I've been considering ranching.

Now of course, this is a long time from now. But I've really given thought to taking some classes that have to do with farming/ranching in high school and college if I decide on doing this. Personally, I'd like to join a ranch first when I get out of high school or whatnot. I realize that it's a long time from now but I just want some advice. Maybe some stories of how you did it. Maybe some inspiration.

Also note: I'm a city boy. I have been to a ranch before, but it was for walking horses and what not. Heh. I'm just longing for nature, ya know?
Well, not as far off as you might think. If you have an ag department at your school, go talk to the Ag Teacher. He'll probably know some area ranchers that might be interested in hirin you on for summer jobs. Get a mentor and learn as much as you can. There are alot of ag related jobs out there, that don't all involve workin on a ranch. Could be a direction you might wanna go in the mean time to make a livin after highschool and college, till you can either work for someone or own your own. Hope this helps.
Also you can look into your local 4H clubs in your area. To find out about those, call the County Extention Agent. He/she will be able to give you names and numbers.
Well, you see, it's a shame. I go to high school next year in August I start 9th grade. But I already picked my classes and agriculture was not one of them. So, yeah, but I suppose I can still ask him. I might do that 4H thing too.
4H is not a school related club. Most groups have one meeting a month. I don't know what the sign up deadline is in your area, but even if you can't join this year, you could still make a few meetings to see if it's something you'd like to try.
Everything from raisin an animal, to photography, building ag projects, sewing, hundreds of projects you can do even if your livin in the city and can't raise an animal......Call the Extention agent....they'll be more able to give you the kind of information for your area than I.
I thought of something better. My mom's boyfriend who's practically my stepdad seems to know a few ranchers we saw the other morning at Waffle House. The restaurant. He said hi to them and we sat near them. I heard them discussing their ranches/farms or whatever they run. Perhaps I should ask him about them?

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