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Got it layed down - Finished w/more pics

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
South East Texas
Finished cuttin hay today, had about half done last night when we ran out of daylight. Now after months of prayin for rain, we'll hope it doesn't for a few days. Then we can fire up the prayers again LOL


Mr Lilly cuttin hay


Future round bales




Wine cups in the hayfield
Wow, that must've took a mighty long time. I applaud you. Course, I've never actually cut acres and acres, so I wouldn't know. Heheh.
That stuff looks pretty thick Llly,be interesting to see how many bales to the acre you are gonna get......................good luck
PS guess I will head upstairs,good nite :wink:
The first cuttin is usually alotta rye grass that just volunteers, and vetch. After this cuttin the coastal will kick in, but it's also mixed with johnson grass. We concidered tryin to get rid of the johnson grass, and an older rancher/hayman (he does custom hay balin) said leave it, that johnson grass was some of the best there is if it's cut at the right time.
looks pretty good for as dry as it was in your neck of the woods earlier in the year. BMR would you get that kinda cut if you had a drought?
Hey BMR; I think that a cut of hay like that in a dry year would take too much out of the land; you would probably want to save some soil nutrients for the good years! :p :p :wink:
We started rakin and balin today, wouldnt ya know it, nothin but trouble, baler kept throwin a chain off, after about 4 times of that, we went to town and got a new chain. Got that fixed and then the rake wasn't wantin to cooperate.....bog up and not turn....So after an afternoon of bad luck, got the rake goin better and raked a few more windrows. and called it a day. MIL asked if we wanted to come over for supper.....so we get there, she has it in the oven.....(new fangled one) has a lock on it for when you do the cleaning mode....well I kept checkin the oven..to see if it was done yet...Our son...pesterin me about openin the oven decides to LOCK the oven door.....Well ya can't get the door open now......waited and waited ...got the book out and it says, 45 minutes or when the oven cools down the lock will release..........we waited..........nothin happened, it got to be almost 9:30 and no one had ate. So we all migrate back to our house and fix quickie mexican food...tacos and tostadas. Uhgggg when it rains it pours....oh wait....I take that back..hay still on the ground it might just do it.....NOOOOOOOO
We'll take another stab at it tomorrow after we get back from Takin the Ole Fart to get his staples removed.......
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
The first cuttin is usually alotta rye grass that just volunteers, and vetch. After this cuttin the coastal will kick in, but it's also mixed with johnson grass. We concidered tryin to get rid of the johnson grass, and an older rancher/hayman (he does custom hay balin) said leave it, that johnson grass was some of the best there is if it's cut at the right time.
The trouble with johnson grass is that it does not get ready when the costal is ready. The cows will pick out the costal and leave the johnsongrass. Get some outrider and get rid of the johnsongrass when it gets about 8 inches tall. Costal is much better hay and it keeps better outside.
Finally got it finished.

Someone asked what kinda yeild we had.....4 1/2 bales per acre for first cuttin. cuttins after that, if moisture is right usually get 5 to 6 bales per acre.



"The Rake that Noah used" LOL


We're done!!!!


The view on the way home this evenin.......awsome!
Not at all, conciderin how dry it was from June thru this spring. I was really shocked that there was that much out there. Happy tho.
Also had a fella stop that lives just up the road a lil ways, asked if we'd cut and bale his on the halfs.....it's a clover field. Gonna go check it out in the next day or so.
Lilly,you keep that hayin mess up,and your gonna be a regular farmer :wink: ...............good luck now that you have it rolled "let it rain"
Lilly, your place sure looks good, There is still not a blade of grass between just south of Gonzales all the way to Corpus christi. You can sell all the hay you can bale for 70.00 a roll in that country. We have a place at Karnes City that the last recorded rain was NOVEMBER 05.

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