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Northern Rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Was looking at the new Western Producer and there was a story about this bulldogX dog that had been running wild for five months killing sheep-35 to be exact. Well they finally captured it and you'd think it would be all over but the funeral service. Not so fast-the SPCA is going to deprogram him and put him up for adoption. I guess when he gets hungry and knaws on a toddler they might do something.
I wish them alot of luck 'de-programming' him. :roll: I'd like to know how they plan to that.

I saw, one time, an Animal Cops program and they had gotten a dog that had been a stray and had been hit by a car. The dog was very shy and a bit aggressive. Soooo....they did surgery to fix the leg, gave all vaccinations, then they spent a month or so trying to 'train' him to be a nice pet. He never did pass the aggression test and needed to be euthanized. In my opinion, the donated money to support that particular outfit would have been better spent if they had put it down in the first place, and focused their time and attention and money on dogs that had a good chance of getting a home.

I'll shut-up.

On the same lines ,been vol. firemen & emt for over 20 year had train class on how to handle livestock at a crash. Teacher said had a wreck in MO I think, with cull hosres heading to saughter. PETA or someone like that got their and had save every horse the vet bill was over $100,000. THATS MONEY WILL SPENT Teacher said get a cop and if it can't walk off shoot it on the spot and use the rest of the man power to kept the press out of there.
These three would love to volunteer to rehabilitate the dog.



Seriously though, if the dog had met these three when he chased his first sheep he would either be a goner, or he would have become a wiser and better behaved dog.
That just goes along the lines of how they made a TV show about rehabilitating Micheal Vicks dogs!?!?!?

The real problem is that these organizations have so dang much money and support from people that don't know any better. They seem to get stronger and stronger and pretty soon will be hard to fight off. Like this bulldog thing, why the heck has it turned into a press frenzy?? Why wasn't he shot or trapped like a coyote/predator??

Pretty soon we are going to be required to plant trees for shade and set out fans for our cattle so that the a-holes in the city that don't know where their food comes from don't raise hell with us cattlemen when they are out on their Sunday cruises to get back to "nature".

Rant over!!!!! :lol:

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