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New Emails

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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They found new emails on Weiner's Laptop, not sure if they are classified but they are new so not everything were copies. Which that should be no surprise considering there was 650,000 and maybe as many as 675,000 emails on that laptop. But Special Report is reporting NEW EMAILS FOUND.

They also just announced that even thou the FBI said they would destroy Cheryl Mills laptop, they did not do it and they are now taking another look at them. And if anyone lied all amunity deals are off. :clap:
Bret Baier just told Bret Hume that his sources tell him that if there is no "interference" the investigations would lead to INDICTMENT. So those emails must have something juicy.

Now the question is will Obama, that was out on the media trail saying she made an honest mistake today, pardon Hillary as he leaves office for a cut of the corruption money that Hillary and Bill take in at the Foundation or will Loretta Lynch that was appointed by Obama use the Justice Department to "INTERFERE" with the investigation like it is reported she has already done by telling investigators to stand down on the Clinton Investigation.
I just heard on news report that Weiner is currently in a clinic which treats people with sexual perversions and Huma has not been seen or heard from lately.

It seems impossible HRC's campaign/life could get any messier! But each time we have thought that in the past.......it has!

The voters need to realize that this big mess is not going away on Nov 8th. The FBI investigations will continue so if they want the government buried in more Clinton scandals for at least another 4 years , they will vote for her. But if they are tired of all of it and they want to move on and let the government get back to work while those investigations are carried out and JUSTICE IS DONE then voting for Hillary is one BAM


Time to stop and think about the future of the US and World, Is it going to be voting for a women, just because of her gender like the Dems want you to do that bring with her more corruption scandals or is it going to be voting for a male and a fresh start and the economy working again?

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