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My computer guru

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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East north east of Soapweed

This is Harry, my computer guru.. Who says cats and mice don't get along.


He's on the bull session..See what all that arguing does to him..


Harry is now on Son's labtop. He is multi-tasking....


He is stressed out and needs a break!!!
I wondered who was acting like they were cat'en around with Jigs some time ago.

I thought it was just talk.

Now I know!!!

Nice pics. :lol: :lol: :lol:
my tom-catin' days are over....... I am just a legend in my mind......

but oh, the stories I could tell............and if they ain't true, they oughta be!
Faster horses said:
Cool pictures, katrina.


I didn't know there was a breed of 'Pot Bellied Kitties". :p :lol: :lol: :wink:

Don't know if there is a cat around here with out a Pot belly, lol...

neat looking cat.. We had one that looked a lot like that but she was hit by a car in 05.. Her uncle was hit in 04, her mom in 03 and her sister in 06... The family has a thing with running in front of cars :cry: Still an uncle and a brother left... But they are a bit lazier than the others were and tend to just lounge on the front step.
This is really Carter's cat...He likes to sit in your lap or be close... I'm not a cat person, but animals just seem to like me.... Harry's mom use to ride in carter's toy farm machinery.. He had a toy hay forage wagon she would sit in and carter would pull her around.. And this is one of her babies... He is prolly eight years old or older... A marbled tabby. He comes in and eats... He can't and won't eat with the other cats. And then stays to visit and sleep till about noontime then he goes out till the kids come home.. He never gets on my counters or any higher than the chairs to sit on... Actually he is very smart.. He does tricks for carter like give him a high five with his paw...
Thanks for the comments guys.... You're all way to funny!!!!!!! Gotta love ya!!!!!!!!!
now, if you just had a PURPLE CAT on your wall......I can send ya one!, just say the word!
No purple cat for me jigs!!!! Purple is not my color... Speaking of purple cats.... Send me when you have time some college matrial for Carter, He isn't sold on NU... He says it's got to be ag related...
A cat that does High-5's ! LOL Not a dullard Carter has there.
PS your desk is way too tidy! :shock:
Carter is doing his biology disection reports... And junks up my desk.. He writes up the reports himself, even thou he is partnered with other kids... :roll: The last one he turned in the teachers said to him it looked like another A.. He has the kids get the information and he types and puts the pictures in... He tickles me.. :D :D
He was choosen for prom server and has a date so should be lots of fun!!
He was thinking his little Ford ranger would be just okay to take to Prom.. I asked where he was going to put his dates fancy formal dress??? :shock: :roll:

He is really good with animals... I would be vary pleased if he went to vet school, but I don't know if that'll happpen... Let's cross our fingers..
katrina said:
No purple cat for me jigs!!!! Purple is not my color... Speaking of purple cats.... Send me when you have time some college matrial for Carter, He isn't sold on NU... He says it's got to be ag related...

there is hope for that boy yet!!!
jigs said:
katrina said:
No purple cat for me jigs!!!! Purple is not my color... Speaking of purple cats.... Send me when you have time some college matrial for Carter, He isn't sold on NU... He says it's got to be ag related...

there is hope for that boy yet!!!

If he wore purple and went to school in Kansas I bet jigs would adopt him. :wink:
He is really good with animals... I would be vary pleased if he went to vet school, but I don't know if that'll happpen... Let's cross our fingers..

Auburn is begging for male vet school students who want to work on mostly cattle.

Most of the entrants everywhere now are females who either want to go into small animals or horses.

Should be plenty of openings most everywhere.

I really enjoyed the pictures of your cat Harry! Growing up we had a tabby striped male cat, Harry, who my Grandpa fondly called Hairy Chin.

Best of luck to Carter. It sounds like he'll have a lot of success in life, no matter what career path or college he chooses. You and your hubby should also be congratulated on raising a hardworking young man, who is destined to be successful.

Mike is right, most of the Vet. schools are looking for those who want to be Food Animal Practitioners.

Thanks again,


TTB :wink:
katrina said:
Carter is doing his biology disection reports... And junks up my desk.. He writes up the reports himself, even thou he is partnered with other kids... :roll: The last one he turned in the teachers said to him it looked like another A.. He has the kids get the information and he types and puts the pictures in... He tickles me.. :D :D
He was choosen for prom server and has a date so should be lots of fun!!
He was thinking his little Ford ranger would be just okay to take to Prom.. I asked where he was going to put his dates fancy formal dress??? :shock: :roll:

He is really good with animals... I would be vary pleased if he went to vet school, but I don't know if that'll happpen... Let's cross our fingers..
What an interesting age your son is in- he must really keep you busy. The dissection part reminded me of hours hanging over a smelly formaldehyde soaked shark in school. We always left that lab stinking with eyes burning til we "graduated" to an embalmed cat, poor kitty.
This morning we bumped into a man I hadn't seen in years since he worked in research, a veterinarian who is in his early 70's, still employed, and has most recently been working for the govt inspecting meat in Phila. one of the many types of work for vets besides live animals.

We wish Carter the best in whatever he chooses.

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