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Did anyone get any rain in the Northern Plains last night?

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Turkey Track Bar

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
North Central SD, South Central ND
We did not, but did get lots of spectacular lightning.

We also got this....



I don't think it touched down, but sure was the talk of our High School Rodeo.

I hope someone got some rain last night.


TTB :wink:
Just a quick sprinkle here last night, but lots of lightning in the area. I agree with what OT has said in the past. If it doesn't rain on Bucking Horse sale weekend, something is out of whack. I hope that holds up tonite.

I also liked the photos TTB.
Well were not exactly in the plains but we did get 3/4 of an inch of the wet gift from God.Was at a Branding today and everyone one was quite happy.It is beginning to mist now suppose to rain again tonight.Let it rain we've been quite dry here lately..
We had rain and thunderstorms this evening.

I saw on the local tv station that up to Friday we have
had over 8 inches of moisture for the year and 5.5 inches
of it has come so far in May.

Since we have lived here, this is the best May I can
remember for moisture. Usually we have to wait til
Bucking Horse Sale for some and then Memorial Day.
We are getting it early this year, which helps a lot.
In this country they say it isn't HOW MUCH rain you
get, it is WHEN YOU GET IT. Timing is everything.

Knock on wood, it looks like this might be the "NEXT YEAR"
this country is so famous for...
Woke up at 2AM to a little rain shower...At 5AM another with lots of booming- and its still raining out there now at 7AM...Still Booming too.....

From the puddles in the yard I'd say at least a 1/4 of an inch altho I haven't checked the rain gauge...

We're supposed to get these thunderstorms and showers and rain thru Tuesday :D :) :) :clap:

I see they have a winter storm watch out for the Montains and eastern front over by Great Falls- Helena- Lewistown country for 6-10 inches of snow in the mountains and 3-5 inches in the lower elevations thru Tuesday...

Good old Bucking Horse Sale weekend can blow anything into this country- (even brought us a Kennedy once to ride a bucking horse :wink: :lol: )
We are pushing four weeks here now without a rain which for the drier parts of the country is probably ot a huge deal or even uncomon but May is 4 inch of rain month usually and we are, well, 4 inches shy of that and have been hot... You know it is bad when the irrigators are running in May when in a normal year they might not run until July or at the very least end of June.. Another 30 percent chance today but after last weeks 80% chance turned into a 15 second downpour and nothing else I wont' be holding my breath..
But than again, this too shall pass..
I heard on the radio the other day that if the drought hits the Ill, Ind., Iowa area with any punch, corn could go to $12 !! I wish you well, Ill Rancher, but I also wish you a drought !!
Chuckle... If they did a map of Illinis I swear this part of the county would be the only this dry.. Iowa is wet... Very wet.. Creeks and rivers in fields wet in some area.. Heading out to Page County in the next two weeks to look around some ground for my grandfather and to check on my calves at the lot..

12 dollar corn and I mgith have to rent out my crop ground for enxt year and sell down the herd...
Rain ended now for awhile-- got .35 here on the river, 1/2 inch at the north place...In calling around it sounds like everyone around got some- but some got as much as an inch....

And they are now saying rain showers likely again tonite :) :clap:
I suppose I shouldn't tell Ill rancher this-- but it just started in raining again this evening- nice easy straight down light rain...And if the radar is right it looks like it could set in and rain like this all night (I hope).....
South of the Missouri, they're still predicting some storms- lightning and hail...

Looks like Bucking Horse Sale weekend come thru again this year and a fair part of the state is going to pickup some moisture...
The rain has quit altho it looks like we could still get showers all day long...
Picked up another 1/2 inch down here on the river and .6 up north...Makes a total for the weekend of .85 on the river and 1.25 up north...

I know how you feel FH- this stuff is nice to see...Grass is looking good- and I might even be able to save a few $ by not having to irrigate some of the hayfields...

We are now about 1 to 2 inches above what we were last year on June 1- which started out good until Ma Nature turned off the spigot on June 1 and we never saw another drop for a couple months...That and she turned up the heat and gave us 90-100 degree June/July heat that burned everything up....
Be great to see a good grass year for a change....(praying emoticon)

I just might have to go to the waterhole this afternoon and listen to all the farmers and ranchers WOOO HOOOing too....I'm sure this much rain will bring a few to town....

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