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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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East north east of Soapweed
Hubby is looking for a differant tractor. He found one in Indiana that was what he wanted and priced within our budget.. He calls the guy and talks to him about the tractor and says he will be there Thursday to look at it.. Soooo he scouts his route and after sixteen times telling him I will be fine here he sets out. I go and pick up Dean from school and there is a call on the answering machine that the guy just sold the tractor...... What the hecks with people? Do they not know that when someone is coming to look at the tractor that it's proper not to sell the damn thing till the person looks at it...... Do they not know proper selling and buying ettiquette??? Sheese....
Wish you had contacted me - - - - I would have checked it out and left a deposit if you had asked.

I'm close to the middle of Indiana and I'm always looking for a good excuse to break the GoldWing out and put a few miles on it.

What kind of tractor are you looking for ?
George said:
Wish you had contacted me - - - - I would have checked it out and left a deposit if you had asked.

I'm close to the middle of Indiana and I'm always looking for a good excuse to break the GoldWing out and put a few miles on it.

What kind of tractor are you looking for ?

Oh bless your heart!!! We'll remember that George...
We had that happen once too, katrina. Only this was SD...we called
on a tractor, had to go way out of our way to look at it (not as
far as Roscoe of course :shock: ), when we got
there, they had another guy looking at it...and they gave him first
chance and they knew for 2 days we were coming on that particular
day. I even called the night before to make sure they knew we were
coming. Rotten deal!!!!!!!! I don't even remember the place--some where
over by Mobridge. I've forgotten now, but I remembered for LONG

Well that sure isn't a very nice feeling to have something sold out from under you, but I've been on the other side of the deal where somebody said they were coming to get something and never showed up.

Then I was faced with calling the next guy on the list and he changed his mind . . .

Can't win sometimes!
i've been on both sides of this kind of deal and i guess all i can say is that at least the guy phoned... once drove 400 klicks only to find the piece was sold the morning before, i had phoned the night before and all was a go. no phone call on home line or cell. :mad: :mad:
As a seller you have every right to sell it when ever you want. Even if some one is coming to look at it
In Venezuela it doesn't matter what has been agreed to verbally. He who arrives first with money, wins. :?
That would tick me off.

As a seller I had placed an ad for my milk cow and her calf.
Had 3 calls on them.
First guy said he wanted them and would come out the next day to look at them.
he never showed. Called to say he was still interested and would come out soon. After waiting 4 days for him I called the second person who had called and they came out that day and took both.

I called the first guy and told him I sold them. Also called the third person and told them that they were sold.
I Luv Herfrds said:
That would tick me off.

As a seller I had placed an ad for my milk cow and her calf.
Had 3 calls on them.
First guy said he wanted them and would come out the next day to look at them.
he never showed. Called to say he was still interested and would come out soon. After waiting 4 days for him I called the second person who had called and they came out that day and took both.

I called the first guy and told him I sold them. Also called the third person and told them that they were sold.

Is that the cow you just got?
What did you do with your milking machine?
I have been on both side, had stuff sold out from under us and been the one waiting around for people to show that never do.....First cash in hand gets the product around here!
I grew up where your word meant something and a hand shake was as good as it gets. I have had people not show when they said but I survived and moved on. As time goes bye it seems people say what ever and stand behind nothing.
The first one with the money gets the goods. I state this when someone calls about buying something and let them know if someone else is interested or coming to view the item.
Coffee shop one day and there was not so nice talk about my neighbor's family and all the business they run. Well every body left but a old cattle buyer, and I kind of stuck up for the neighbor. He looked at me told me they had a verbal deal one summer for his calve. The delivery day came the buyer waited, finally drove over and there was no calves. The neighbor told him he had gotten a better deal. Found out the neighbor went and accused my brother of stealing a new born calf. He did apologize a few months later when they found the calf dead between their bale wagon stacks.
I agree with the first come first serve theory,also agree with a little respectful comunication,does'nt hurt to call a potential buyer and tell him you have someone ahead of him coming to look and request him to call before he comes.
good luck
Got him turned around....... I guess where I come from a mans word is only as good as he is..... Tractor had been advertised since March and there was no one interested in it so he told us.. I guess I was brought up differant than some of you.... Cuz if someone was driving 900+ miles to look at a tractor with money in hand I would tell the other party they would have second chance if we didn't take it..... Oh well the good Lord has other plans and what goes around comes around....
No BigMuddy that was my first milk cow. A big Holstein/Brown Swiss that wouldn't stay home.
we were in a dry year and had to ship quite a few head and they were having to go too.

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