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Transparency? Bipartisanship? Change?

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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So....the President meets behind closed doors today with Senate Democrats to discuss one of the most expensive proposals that will ever face this country?

After campaigning on a promise of change and pledging transparency and bipartisanship, he doesn't seem to be able to keep his word. Would any of you Obama-backers care to explain how this is change? Or how this is transparency? Or how this could be considered bipartisan?

It's quite obvious that the man lied - lied just to get your votes. And it seems that he thinks you just don't care what he said or what he does now that he's in office. Is this okay with you?
Now Tex you have to admit he has moved towards change cause that's all we are going to have left after him and Nancy the Nag finish.
I have never been able to figure out the Democratic party following as this is plantation politics, the party of slavery that fathered the KKK, founded the poll tax to keep poor whites and blacks from voting. Invented share cropping and entitlement programs to keep the poor under the control of the ruling elite. Yet they flock to the party on promises that just keep them underfoot.

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