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#39 Judge a "book" by its cover

#40 Think I am better than anyone else
Condemn the youth of America because of their culture.......

I can remember reading of the old folks thinking the country was going to hell because of the "flappers" of the 20's :shock: - and jazz music-- and my folks thinking the world was ending because of Elvis the Pelvis and Chubby Checker :shock: ...Then it was the Beatles- and surely the world would seek to exist :shock: ...

But besides the old fogies moaning- things have kept on happening- and even tho I prefer some of the old country stuff- I often listen to Grandmas beach boys CD- and my 10 year old Grandson is enthralled listening to the Beach Boys "Surfin' Safari" and replaying "409"...
i just got home from a 450 mile round trip that avg 50mph and broke snow the last 60 miles or so home - this made me think less about the driving conditions.

#44 cuddle up on the coach in my "comfy clothes" and watch a soap opera with my mother in law

#45 pack an elk out of the bob marshall with snoop dog

#46 buy tickets to a new kids on the block reunion concert

#47 keep the grudge from popping into my head while walking down to the calving barn at 2 AM with no batteries in my flashlight.

#48 share a glass of wine alone in a hotel room with barney frank

#49 go home early the night of the calgary bull sale

#50 understand why people 30 miles north of me say zed not zee, EH? (oops i guess i didn't need that question mark)

#51 forward my personal information to claim my lotto winnings in euros as instructed in an arabic email

#52 pull a empty stock trailer with a 2 wheel drive dually during a snow storm from melstone to mosby MT.

#53 cutom order 1/2 shrink wrapped beef from south america

#54 go out for a drink with my gay buddy in browning montana during browning indian days

#55 get a tattoo or pierce my nipples

#56 try to sneak my semen tank through the us/canadian border at coutts

#57 stock up on calf ear muffs

#58 forget 9/11

#59 win the lottery

#60 want it if i didn't earn it

#61 go back to competetivly showing alpacas

#63 quit cheering for the coyotes at a CJI Hawks high school football game

#64 one more prairie fire shot

#65 dig a three day old dead calf out of a half dead cow to try and salvage her

i think i'll save some for next year
Blkbuckaroo said:
68 try and make it to the gas station on empty,cause i was to lazy to stop the night before. :?
I have experience in this area. Last week was driving home from Medicine Hat while talking on the phone to my wife it dawned on me to ask her how far you can drive (it was her van) with that little fuel pump icon on. She didn't know as she had never seen the icon. When I made it to the next stop and filled I had about a half of a litre to spare. Could have gone part of another mile.

69.. Use a shovel to clear snow where a bobcat can go.
Ty and I did the Melstone/Mosby road in a ground blizzard last February-he had to be in Regina to play hockey that night it was interesting to say the least-I'd like to hunt in that country.
Hereford76 said:
Justin said:
i'll agree with #64, thats for dam sure.......YUCK


i can't even stomach a wiff of tequila - unless its in a margarita for some reason.

Neighbor had a bottle of Pendleton last night that we nursed on for awhile..
Definitely belongs on the "to do" list.... :wink:

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