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That is a good looking beefy Brangus bull, txag. The Hereford is fat and sassy, and wooly enough to stand a hard winter. Hope it's just an exercise in hair growth, and not all that necessary for survival. :wink: Nice pictures.
Soapweed said:
That is a good looking beefy Brangus bull, txag. The Hereford is fat and sassy, and wooly enough to stand a hard winter. Hope it's just an exercise in hair growth, and not all that necessary for survival. :wink: Nice pictures.

that herf slicked off really nice to make it through the summer. :D

sorry for sidetracking the thread, jl. nice pictures from you, as always.
The Brangus is a super nice lookin bull body wise, but I dont particularly like his head. It has just a touch too much feminine look to it to me.With his head turned like that I can't tell what his neck looks like. But with age it'll thicken up. When I'm lookin at bulls I want em to look like a bull in their head too.

The hereford, looks great, nice strait topline, thick bodied, but......he has white on his face :p

overall, in all honesty two very nice bulls.
Since I know so much about Brangus :wink: , I'm going to make a comment.

Jersey, I don't see that his head is feminine, and look at the good crest in his neck for only 14 months of age!

TXAG, you should come around more. You've only done 16 posts. I bet
you have way more to contribute than that! Feel free to join in!!

Nice Hereford, BTW!!!
This is a bull that is a sire at one of the bull sales I'm goin to in the next few weeks. THIS is a GOOD LOOKIN Brangus Bull. Not that the one txag posted isn't. There's just alot more about this one that I like.
The picture looks pretty good, but I fault the picture in that you can't see the bull from his hooks to his pins and when we look at a bull that is something very important to us. And the first bull is probably too short from his hooks to his pins, now that I mention it.

Also, you can't see if this bull is post-legged or not!!! :wink: :nod: :gag: :eek:
Faster horses said:
Since I know so much about Brangus :wink: , I'm going to make a comment.

Jersey, I don't see that his head is feminine, and look at the good crest in his neck for only 14 months of age!

TXAG, you should come around more. You've only done 16 posts. I bet
you have way more to contribute than that! Feel free to join in!!

Nice Hereford, BTW!!!

thanks FH! i really like the brangus bull & he's grown up since then but i don't have any current pics.

how about this one jl?
txag......I realy like the hair on that Hereford!Could he possibly trace back to 678?
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
This is a bull that is a sire at one of the bull sales I'm goin to in the next few weeks. THIS is a GOOD LOOKIN Brangus Bull. Not that the one txag posted isn't. There's just alot more about this one that I like.

Who does this bull belong to Lilly ?............good luck
Absolutely love that one txag, now go back and compare their heads, This one has a real bully lookin head, manly, macho....BULL!!! The other one is slimmer between the eyes and down his nose. I've just come to realize if I dont like the way they look, I won't like how the calves look. Someone else might like it. But I"m the one that hasta live with em....kinda like pickin a husband or wife.

Few years back we had a angus bull, I liked everthang about him except his ears. Ever daggum calf the threw had little bitty ears that pointed towards the sky. I did keep a few of his heifers, but I still dont like their ears. I know I"m biased.....I like the brangus, it's my breed of choice, n them big floppy ears.
Juan said:
txag......I realy like the hair on that Hereford!Could he possibly trace back to 678?

thanks, Juan. he's a Huth Matthew son out of a Kodiak daughter.

HAYMAKER, the bull jl posted is a Mound Creek bull. we just bought another bull a couple of days ago who's out of a MC bull. if you're buying there or Camp Cooley, expect to take a pocketful of $$.
I know they go high at the sale, but inside source has told me if you to talk to them durin the year you can buy just about anything they have for $1000

Yeap sorry forgot to add that he's a Mound Creek Bull...got so busy tryin to save n upload his pic lol
here are some calves out of the first bull i pictured (but that's not him in the background. that's a different one altogether). not the best pic but they didn't want to "pose"

Lilly,that sounds awful cheap for a good bull,I been buying bulls from an old friend in Doss many years,and he has camp cooly & brinks blood lines good strong pasture raised stock, good blood lines,but you wont touch one for a thousand.But now he is retiring he is in his late eighties so I guess you have my interest if you can get good brangus bulls reasonable ,keep me posted on how you do................good luck
txag said:
here are some calves out of the first bull i pictured (but that's not him in the background. that's a different one altogether). not the best pic but they didn't want to "pose"


I agree with the Lady,those calves wont play second fiddle at any sale I been to txag.................good luck
Ya know, I'm really kinda excited, quittin my job in May, now I can really do some of the things that I've wanted to do around here for a long time.
Just gotta put my foot down and make it happen. Before the "cow business" was just somethin we did on the side. It's grown tho, now it needs full time attention. Needed it before but with both of us working, and kids, there just was no way.

Just gotta call from someone wantin their hay feild cut, we cut we keep..free. other than what it'll cost in fuel and time. Think we'll hafta go take a look see at what he's got. Can't hardly turn down free hay when we've had a summer like this one.
thanks, HAYMAKER! they do really well for us.

jl, you'll probably be busier now than you were working off-ranch. :D

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