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Shorthorn cross what for a show calf?

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Ranchy said:
I don't know enough about breeding show cattle to advise you on anything, but I do know I'd be really careful about breeding any Hereford to a first calf heifer........

I just kept having flash-backs to Sweet Thang last year........and losing her and the calf, just because that derned ole Hereford bull was feeling frisky..... :shock: ....and all the calves we had to pull (some successfully, most not) while we were at Encino.... :shock: ...same deal, Hereford bull got in with the heifers and it was a disaster. :roll:

Hope everything works out, and you get some really great show stock! :D

Now, now, I didn't think you were one of the predjudice ones :wink: We breed all our hereford hiefers to hereford bulls, all the time. Last year we pulled one out of 60 calves. Like every other breed out there, some throw big calves and some throw small ones.
Angus Cattle Shower said:
Judith, it is true, once you go black you can't go back, wait, it's not true!! It is hopefully the best decision I have ever made, my blacks have caused me greif, and the Angus ass'n isn't helping much either. lol. Go to a Shortie and stick with it lol
8) Really hate to say I told yu so --so won't -good luck.Oh and never look a notorious bull in the eye.
Ranchy said:
I don't know enough about breeding show cattle to advise you on anything, but I do know I'd be really careful about breeding any Hereford to a first calf heifer........

I just kept having flash-backs to Sweet Thang last year........and losing her and the calf, just because that derned ole Hereford bull was feeling frisky..... :shock: ....and all the calves we had to pull (some successfully, most not) while we were at Encino.... :shock: ...same deal, Hereford bull got in with the heifers and it was a disaster. :roll:

Hope everything works out, and you get some really great show stock! :D

I dunno about this one. Same as any breed some bulls work on heifers and some don't. And some cows are just going to have a BIG calf no matter what they are bred. The heifers that we kept last year are all bred to a Hereford bull for this spring. They are due in March. Last year we had a Hereford cow have a C-section with a 112# Black Angus calf. Same bull that we used on heifers for 3 years with no major problems. That cow always had big calves, usually bigger than that one but he was square in the front, no smooth front end there.
I've gotta put in a plug for Galloway on all 3, kid. There's been some outstanding Galloway cross steers in jackpots over the years. Fred and Maxine Noad of Alix, AB won Calgary a few years back with a 50/50 Galloway X Angus steer. Best show steer I've ever seen, bar none. If you're interested, let me know. Between me or rkaiser, we could certainly find enough semen for 3 head. :wink:
I may have to take you up on that, PureCountry :lol:. Only problem is, I am synchroonizing my cattle so I can AI them all at once because we don't keep an AI take year round, dad got rid of all his semen, so I can only buiy whet I need and then find someone to AI for me, 'cause I don't know how to, the neighbour always did dad'sbut he moved to saskatoon, someone else said they might, but they are prolly a 15 minute drive away, hate to get people to do all this stuff for you lol.

Let's see some bulls, and some prices now, eh? :lol:
My bull's in the photo gallery.


Not sure if that link will work, but if not, you can find him in the gallery.
heres my 2 cents no trump as a shorthorn breeder i dont like a bull that can't produce a good son. Yes he threw a few but 10 out of 10000 calves is not very good. Plus his steers arent even good but he throws one hecuva heifer. Trump semen is 1000 dollors a straw now also. Most of the club calve bulls are inconsistent as hell. Yes you see good steers at the shows but you dont see all the who made who, witch doc or whatever calves that dont make the cut. For some reason these bulls either throw one heckuva good calf or a dud and the odds are you will get a dud becase i believe the ratio was quoted to me as 1 good calf from a 100.I would breed to a bull that is more for show and comercial. Cates have a few that are tough http://www.catesfarms.com/bulls.html i love the tonic bull seen him in louisville he is a meat house. I would also look at waukaru http://www.waukaru.net/Goldmine2109Semen.ivnu he is a helluva bull. I have a bull calf out of him that if cut would show at the state level but we are gonna show him as a bull instead.This bull standing beside him is very very impressive.I will use him in the future again. I hope this helps but either way the shorthorn angus cross is a good one i prefer the shorthorn hereford cross as well. Good luck in your endeavor. If you need any help contacting shorthorn breeders let me know.
I like Sin City, Jakes White Oak 220M, and Adrenaline. In that order. There is another bull I like also. He isn't listed in this page, but his name is Blizzard. I was thinking about breeding him and Sin City to the 3 heifers and 3 white cows we have. One of the bulls is a easy calver and one is a club-calf. I think Blizzard is the easy calver, and Sin City is teh club-calf bull. The 3 heifers I have will get bred to Blizzard, for eay calving on first time heifers. The 3 white cows will get bred to Sin City. We had a white bull 6 or 7 years ago, and the genetics are still kicking back in the cows. We had a roan cow have a white bull calf last spring. So that tells me that teh genetics are still there. As you can tell I like white shorthorns! :D :) :) :)

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