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Questions about aborting feedlot heifers

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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Does anybody know how much lutalase it takes to abort a 700lb. heifer? Also would like to know if lutalase and prostin are the same thing. My vet gave me 4ccs of prostin about a month ago and it did not do the job. Thanks Buck
cedardell said:
Does anybody know how much lutalase it takes to abort a 700lb. heifer? Also would like to know if lutalase and prostin are the same thing. My vet gave me 4ccs of prostin about a month ago and it did not do the job. Thanks Buck

5 ml injected IM.

Lutalyse is a prostaglandin.

Do not use Lutalyse if an animal is supected to be bred/pregnant over 100 days.
I would use about 7 cc Lutalyse and maybe some Dexamethason(sp?). I had that happen early this spring on a heifer I had sold as a backyard pasture mower. She was with the bull and had been watching her hoping I could get her delivered before she came in heat, but I didn't. Vet said to use 7cc Lut and if they are further along, like at the feedlots, he uses the Dex.

Call the vet to get the right answer though, maybe try another vets advice if it didn't workt the first time.
We always use 7cc lut. and 10cc dexo. regardless of size of the heifer or how far along they are. Seems to work good, we have aborted them up to 6 months bred without any problems.
Most people here use 5 of Lutalyse and 10 of dexamethasone. If they are too far along though, retained placenta is very common. That could be an issue if you are planning on keeping her for a cow.

Another note about Lutalyse.. Women should use extreme caution with this stuff, and don't even let any get on your hands. :shock: :shock: It will absorb into the skin, and can make you quite sick If you are pregnant, it can be disaster!! It can also trigger asthma attacks.
Kato said:
Most people here use 5 of Lutalyse and 10 of dexamethasone. If they are too far along though, retained placenta is very common. That could be an issue if you are planning on keeping her for a cow.

Another note about Lutalyse.. Women should use extreme caution with this stuff, and don't even let any get on your hands. :shock: :shock: It will absorb into the skin, and can make you quite sick If you are pregnant, it can be disaster!! It can also trigger asthma attacks.

While I was expecting my first child I worked at a feedlot helping process cattle, cleaning the office, mowing weeds, kinda jack of all trades master on none. The owner was super cautious once he found out I was expecting and called the vet to see what I should absolutly not be around and lutalyse was the first out of his mouth.

They would give 5 cc of lutalyse to get heifers to abort, but I still think it's good to call the local vet to make sure.
Kato said:
Most people here use 5 of Lutalyse and 10 of dexamethasone. If they are too far along though, retained placenta is very common. That could be an issue if you are planning on keeping her for a cow.

Another note about Lutalyse.. Women should use extreme caution with this stuff, and don't even let any get on your hands. :shock: :shock: It will absorb into the skin, and can make you quite sick If you are pregnant, it can be disaster!! It can also trigger asthma attacks.

Right on, Kato. (I've done hundreds of them this way, per my vet's instructions.)

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