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pics from Pharo Cattle Co bull sale today

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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I seen this on another site.
The way some of them bulls look they might breed cows this summer. Not saying I like fat yearlings, but they need a pushed a little bit to get big enough and have adequate flesh. Pharo is a good marketer though and has made some people believers.
There are a couple things that make me wander about this outfit. My wife's step dad buys bulls from this guy and they actually look good when you feed them. But they just refuse to feed them anything. Also there are so many cooperative producers how does he know what's going on. I have looked at one of their sale catalog's and the cattle are registered but no epd's are given and it seems they just give the info that makes the bull look better on paper instead of giving all the info avalible. They would rather promote hair coat and fly resistance instead of weight or other things most people look at. Just for kicks I looked up one bull that had a 60 lb birth and 5 star calving ease rating on the red angus wed sight by his reg number. His BW epd was in the 35th percentile. All the info would suggest he would be in the top 5 percent. ?????
3 M L & C said:
There are a couple things that make me wander about this outfit. My wife's step dad buys bulls from this guy and they actually look good when you feed them. But they just refuse to feed them anything. Also there are so many cooperative producers how does he know what's going on. I have looked at one of their sale catalog's and the cattle are registered but no epd's are given and it seems they just give the info that makes the bull look better on paper instead of giving all the info avalible. They would rather promote hair coat and fly resistance instead of weight or other things most people look at. Just for kicks I looked up one bull that had a 60 lb birth and 5 star calving ease rating on the red angus wed sight by his reg number. His BW epd was in the 35th percentile. All the info would suggest he would be in the top 5 percent. ?????

All things in moderation is a pretty safe way to go.
I went to a KP sale severalyears ago and there is no way I could buy one of those coming 2 year old forage raised bulls. But they really sold. Like $5000... :shock:
A friend bought some but they all died...not all in the first year of course
but he didn't get a lot of use out of them. When you short cattle like
they had been shorted, something has to give and I guess it is
longevity. Maybe his were just an exception, I have no idea.

The next year I bought one (Mr. FH does not like attending bull sales)
because he was a Rito F0203 (closely related to Rito 707). He was
a yearling and one of the bigger framed bulls (like a 4.5 or a 5). He
turned out fine and he lasted as long as any other bull now that I
think about it. Very seldom did we keep bulls past their 4 year old year
as we had their daughters in the herd by then.

One rancher here bought one for a heifer bull and he sure sired calving
ease, but the rancher kept him hid so no one could see him. :D

I did like the way the bulls sold, no auctioneer. Just raise your hand
if you want a bull and the last one with his hand in the air got the bull.
At that time, Kit was a low-cost seller. No lunch, no delivery and no
auctioneer. :lol: :lol: :lol: Ya gotta give him credit for getting it done
the way he does. And yep, he has a lot of cooperators but when I was
paying attention, he didn't have the same ones for very long. Anyhow,
didn't seem to me like he did.
Each to his own but there is nothing pictured that I would want to put with our cows.

We develop some our own home raised bulls with very little grain (5 lb -) and they are a lot better grown out than those. No grain might make them the same flesh but you need to start with quality. I see very little there.

They had better be long lived because they don't look ready to breed cows for another 2 years yet. :wink:

Have to give KP 5 stars for salesmanship though.
What I saw was an excuse for HSUS and PETA to continue to harass animal agriculture.

An embarrassment to all involved in the cattle industry.

Because "there is another sucker born every minute", it is a poor excuse for those that know better to tolerate someone that promotes this type of behavior.
Some poster said that Pharo claims that "gentleness" is the #1 cattle trait................

These bulls look too malnourished & weak to not be gentle.
Maybe all you have to do is go on a nation wide tour telling everybody how they are doing it wrong and send out an email on Sundays about church and you can sell anything. :roll:
3 M L & C said:
Maybe all you have to do is go on a nation wide tour telling everybody how they are doing it wrong and send out an email on Sundays about church and you can sell anything. :roll:

it worked for Kit.
Always wanted to give that outfit just a little benefit of the doubt. I guess I can now remove all doubt. Don't want to jump on a hate wagon but since PCC holds themselves up as the ONLY seedstock outfit that knows how to do it right, then I don't mind saying that I couldn't disagree more. :gag: They promote that their bulls will gain weight their first breeding season. Now THAT I believe.

The cooperator system is not one that I have much faith in. One cooperator could have a pretty good set of cows and the next could easily have sorry cows. Just pick out 5 of your best bull calves that kind of look the part and send them to the marketing outfit!

All the best to Kit as he counts his money. 8)

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