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Pendleton Roundup

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2008
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NE Oregon
Farm Credit gave us "customer appreciation" tickets to the round up for today's performance. I am not sure how much I appreciate them. Two hours driving each way, $20 to park and 4 hours sitting on those hard grandstand benches. My rear end may never be the same. They also gave us a $15 each voucher for food. Trouble is a corn dog and a bottle of water cost $16. I would hate to price what it would cost to really have something to eat. Good thing neither of us drinks. Walked by the beer stand. Beer was $7 a cup. And not a very big cup.
But the rodeo was good. The boys were there and the horses bucked. This whole rodeo is pretty darn western. All the rodeos with a slow motion grand entry to start their rodeo need to go to Pendleton and take note. Their start is pretty wild. They say if you want to be a princess or the queen you had better be a cowgirl, because they do come riding.
This whole rodeo is pretty darn western. All the rodeos with a slow motion grand entry to start their rodeo need to go to Pendleton and take note. Their start is pretty wild. They say if you want to be a princess or the queen you had better be a cowgirl, because they do come riding.
Well, I don't know about being a cowgirl, but the queen better be a skilled horsegirl with a great horse. Queen Brittany made her entry nicely. This entry had never been used before and was beautiful despite one horse that on second thought, decided that knocking down PVC was easier than jumping. I love the chase!

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Well, I don't know about being a cowgirl, but the queen better be a skilled horsegirl with a great horse. Queen Brittany made her entry nicely. This entry had never been used before and was beautiful despite one horse that on second thought, decided that knocking down PVC was easier than jumping. I love the chase!

The entry is about like it was yesterday. Maybe a little faster. All of it done at a full out run. When the queen did her lap around the track she must have laid the reins down on the neck. When she came in front of the bucking chutes she was waving with both hands high above her head. The cowgirl part I was quoting the announcer. Either way she dang sure better know how to ride.
They knock those rails down all day. Broncs, ropers, queen, and the Indians. There is a crew of young men running to put them back up all day long.

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