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My story and what's next

Help Support Ranchers.net:

I am sorry to hear of your difficulties and wish you the best of luck good luck and if I or mine can do anything to help you have but to ask.
So sorry to hear.... WE will pray for your and our family...

I have no idea of the specific in your case....I only can use knowing to re-evaluate mine.. I am off to give my brode of 21 years (Firday) an extra hug... I cherish what we have... Not the house, cattle, or horses, but us...

I know during harvest, most Ag wives feel like widows.....Maybe we all need to take an hour or three and forget the urgent and give a moment to the important.... Maybe I should better take advantage of the day a week the lord tells me to rest...Rest and re-energize what I have with Family and Friends...

Sorry for the Tangent, FH... I truly hope all is well...You have been very generous and giving with me and I appreciate it,

You are a wise man, PPRM. Be sure she KNOWS how much you cherish her. Don't take it for granted that she knows. Show her. Tell her.

Thanks for your kind words.

Thanks for all your posts, everyone.
You have helped me realilze I'm not in this journey alone...which is huge for me because I have such a small family and feeling lonely is part of my burden.

God will help that because He is always there. I am just learning
that. It would have helped to have known it all along.
Boy,been gone a few days and wuz catchin up on my readin,but I sure am surprised to hear this,reminds me of long ago,was visitin an old friend in Dilley Texas,talkin cattle and weather was always fun with the ole coot,I always suspected he was the smartest man I knew,ranched all his life and at 85 still had wit and humor.
One day we were talkin when he got a sad look in his eyes and told me he and his wife of 61 years were divorcing.............my opinion changed about his wit,never talked to him again...................good luck

PS Keep your chin up girl,you are a special Lady.
Thanks Haymaker. I appreciate what you said.
But I hope no one quits talking to me because of this...

I am on my way this morning to cook for an outfitter at a hunting
camp. Long story on how this came about, but the result is I'm
on my way there shortly.

I will stay for about a week, come home for a few days and go
back for a couple of weeks. I love to cook, so we'll see how I do
with the hours. UP AT 3:30 am to fix breakfast. UGH. That will certainly
cut down on my social life in the evening. (As if I had any, anyway. :p )

I'm planning on having a blast, meeting new people and being needed.
I hope there is a computer there so I can check in on you guys
and make sure you are behaving yourself.
Faster horses said:
Thanks Haymaker. I appreciate what you said.
But I hope no one quits talking to me because of this...

I am on my way this morning to cook for an outfitter at a hunting
camp. Long story on how this came about, but the result is I'm
on my way there shortly.

I will stay for about a week, come home for a few days and go
back for a couple of weeks. I love to cook, so we'll see how I do
with the hours. UP AT 3:30 am to fix breakfast. UGH. That will certainly
cut down on my social life in the evening. (As if I had any, anyway. :p )

I'm planning on having a blast, meeting new people and being needed.
I hope there is a computer there so I can check in on you guys
and make sure you are behaving yourself.
Lucky you...I've always wanted to do that...cook at hunting camps....church camps etc. You WILL have a blast. :D
Faster horses said:
Thanks Haymaker. I appreciate what you said.
But I hope no one quits talking to me because of this...

I am on my way this morning to cook for an outfitter at a hunting
camp. Long story on how this came about, but the result is I'm
on my way there shortly.

I will stay for about a week, come home for a few days and go
back for a couple of weeks. I love to cook, so we'll see how I do
with the hours. UP AT 3:30 am to fix breakfast. UGH. That will certainly
cut down on my social life in the evening. (As if I had any, anyway. :p )

I'm planning on having a blast, meeting new people and being needed.

I hope there is a computer there so I can check in on you guys
and make sure you are behaving yourself.

The part about being needed sure hit home, that's what it's all about, isn't it? Marriage, I mean. Being needed, AND appreciated. I wish you well in your new job and your new life. I'm sure you'll do fine.
FH---so sorry to hear that you have left the area!! Was looking forward to stopping for a visit!!! However, I fully understand! My life has become very sad and lost....please e-mail me so that I may have your strong shoulder to cry on!! I wish you all the best of luck, Lady!! You are truly an amazing person and you will do wonderful!! God bless you!!
Looks like ya beat me to it, FH.............sorry it came to this, but life goes on, and you may be happier without the ex than ya ever were with him!

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((big hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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