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Just droppin in to say HOWDY!

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
scenic mountains of western New Mexico
Just thought I'd drop by and let y'all know I'm still kickin!

Filed divorce papers on 8-28, PO says they delivered them 8-29, haven't heard back from them, so am assuming I included everything and did the paperwork to suit them, and it's in the process of becoming a done deal.

Looks like I'll be getting both of Peach's fillies in the deal, just have to make a date to go pick them up. The ranch Dale and Al have been helping work sold, so they are gathering, rebranding and turning cattle back out for the next weekend at least, so that gives me another week to get a place ready to put the girls.

Other than that, I have another new job, will be the homemaker for the Senior Center they're opening in our little town. I'll be cleaning, cooking, running errands, etc. for the older folks around here, but only for 20 hours a week, which isn't gonna be enough to actually live on, so am checking out another part time job or two.

Al ended up having only one animal at our fair this year, a Cross gilt, that he got 8th place with, but sold for $1300. He's happy with it, and still has the one that didn't make weight to butcher for their use. Not sure how his pocket book will fare, but it's not really up to me to keep track of anymore. Dale sent all Al's cattle up to Datil, not sure why, and Al's not either, but they're up there now. Supposedly, Tillie's bull calf will go to the ranch owners for payment for the rest of them grazing. I hate that he's just taken charge of Al's herd that way, especially after hating the way his dad did the same thing when Dale and his brothers were kids.......I just don't "get" it..........it's like he's got to be the one with all the power or something. Wish I could afford to, and I'd just go get them all and bring them down here for Al.......

Here's the sale pic of Al and his pig, Great Value, and the buyer from AmBank.


Not much else going on with me, just trying to stay out of too much trouble until the divorce is done, just in case Dale changes his mind and decides not to make it so easy to get done.

Hope you all have been doing well, too! :D
Ahh, Ranchy! It sounds like you are working your way through the many changes you've had to deal with in a short time. If you sat down with a pencil and wrote all the things you've adjusted to in - what? About 24 months of life? You'd probably be amazed at yourself if you aren't already! My hat's off to you and being a hard worker you'll surely hit the right job combination.
Doin my bestest, guys. Al and I moved out just before Thanksgiving last year, so it hasn't even been 12 months yet, more like about 10.........and a lot has changed since then. We've all grown up a lot, I think, and are making the best of things. lol

Thanks for everything, you guys, y'all are the bestest of the bestest! :)

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