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I noticed --- (when the trouble came down)

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Yeah,uterun cancer-hysterectomy got all of it-however got infection in wound,which "dehised" Split open from bellybutton to hummha.. and I was alone..quite exciteing.911-Brckenridge hosp..Wound vac 6 days-
then was sewed wp with blue bailing wire..3 days later,they wanted to send me home,me telling them"I smell infection" they said it was batadine
told them I had been a vet tec in a previous life,and knew infection when I smelled it! Anyhow,they got better lighting and I was there 2 more weeks!! Still have a bad spot,but it doesn't smell and cultures came back clean.. It's been real interesting around here,but setteling down for now..
Faster horses said:
Wow, Peg. What an ordeal. And you say you are alone?

Jeepers! I'm glad you are back to posting here...take care, young lady!!

All by myself.'cept for the cats,and you know how much help they are! :shock:

Anyhoo,it's mostly over with now,and I get to go back to work Friday!!
I'm so excited!! :oops:
My cats were the best thing for me.

They kept making me get up and move to let them in and out.

I had 3 operations within a 4 month period .....OUCH!!!!

Glad all is getting better...it takes time to heal!!! Start back in on life slow and steady!! :lol: :lol:
peg4x4 said:
Yeah,uterun cancer-hysterectomy got all of it-however got infection in wound,which "dehised" Split open from bellybutton to hummha.. and I was alone..quite exciteing.911-Brckenridge hosp..Wound vac 6 days-
then was sewed wp with blue bailing wire..3 days later,they wanted to send me home,me telling them"I smell infection" they said it was batadine
told them I had been a vet tec in a previous life,and knew infection when I smelled it! Anyhow,they got better lighting and I was there 2 more weeks!! Still have a bad spot,but it doesn't smell and cultures came back clean.. It's been real interesting around here,but setteling down for now..

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
had a family friend who needed a wound-vac for 6 weeks after suffering a gunshot wound to his gut.....site also "dehissed" and he was in alot pain, so I can understand some of what you were going through!! Sure hope things are going to start looking up for you, peg!! Keep us posted and we will keep you in our prayers!!! :wink:
Thank you-------------- :heart:
But,can you expand a bit on that gunshot story??
The cats reacted oddly after I got home.. One is real standoffy,wouldn't let me pet her,ran out of the room when I entered..had her for 7 years,was 6/8 weeks when I got her from the pound..she coned me into getting her out of there-Well,she glued herself to my back when I was lieing down,purring like mad,meowpurring to me,and actually winked her eyes at me from across the room(those of you with cats will know what I mean) She is begining to slack off a bit,but this is really out of charicter for her.. The "sweetycat" was stuck to my front,under my chin..Those purr vibrations were very comforting..

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