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How's your weather today?

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We ended up with enough more rain to make 1.4 in. for the week so far. That is a lot of moisture for this area lately. The grass should pop as it is supposed to be cool tomorrow, then in the sixties for several days. We are already trying to green up some. The cool season grasses are on their way.

Things are looking up!
We ended up with about a tenth of an inch which immediately dryed up in this wind-- good day to spend inside the salebarn...Talked to some guys that live 30 miles south in the breaks and they had over an inch of rain...
We had a high yesturday of 42 and drizzle - - - was supposed to go to 32 last night but at 4:00 AM woke to thunderstorms and 56 degrees with more storms and a high of 73 forcast for today.

I have not checked the rain gague yet but from looking out it looks like about 1/2 inch so far. The good part was that this was forcast for both yesturday and the day before and we did not get the rain. Forcast is for more tomorrow but when I look at the radar I don't see it so possibly we might see the sun a little.
We currently have 35-45 mph winds with intermittent driving rain & snow. :roll:
The wind is supposed to die down by noon and the snow/rain quit sometime this afternoon. No more than a half inch or so of precipitation.

Tomorrow: 62 and sunny. Perfect day to brand. 8)
It is nice isn't it Pure,the rain should clean,and green stuff up.Even the calves were enjoying it this morning :D
we had a few tornadoes last night, but the fun thing was the little map of Nebraska showing the warnings... 13 counties on the north and east of the state had thunderstorms....one had a flash flood, est half in a tornado watch and the dang panhandle had a blizzard warning!!!

what a mess
Here it was muddy enough for me to almost get my feed truck stuck, the wetest its been in about 5 years. So I motored home and let the cows find some food. :D
Two inches of rain fell here during the night, along with a fierce cold wind. The temperature got down to about 27 degrees. All day it was windy but it warmed up into the forties. This evening the wind has gone down, and the temperature is supposed to get into the low twenties tonight. Tomorrow it is supposed to warm into the sixties, and the grass should start to grow. :) The corrals are muddy, but that's just the way I like it. :wink:
This last storm was just about perfect here Soapweed. It rained all day, with a fair wind too, but about dark, the rain quit, and the wind did come up pretty good then. But as the temperature dropped overnight, so did the wind. It was awfully raw, but it looked like the newborns outside took things in stride. Thanks for that.

As Oldtimer said the other day, those angus calves are tough little buggers.

We did get down to 24 degrees here by daylight this AM, but up to the high 40's with no wind at all today.
We go a nice rain with a little wind and some it got cold enough to make ice, last night. But it didn't last too long today. Man, it's getting green! :D
After a hi of 62 yesturday we got large hail then thunderstorms and a low of 28 last night.

Today is forcast for 50 as a high but no rain then back in the upper 60s for all next week.

We ran 10 to 20 degrees above normal most of the winter and now that it is spring we are running about 10 to 20 degrees below normal. I'm glad it wasn't the other way around.
Had a high yesterday of about 86, made a trip to town and noticed several hay feilds that'd been cut, so came back home and started on our own, after checkin the weather to make sure there weren't no rain comin.
We did have a front blow in last night, but no rain in it for us, cooler temps. but supposed to be less humidity so the hay should dry fine.
Got about half the hay cut before we ran outta daylight, will finish up this afternoon.
Yesterday we just had tornadoes pass through here. It wasn't so bad for my part, just heavy hail and strong winds. It's just been freezing today, but isn't it usually cold after a tornado?
enough of a breeze to make ya wear a light jacket, but the thermometer already reads 50!! Here comes another dose of spring fever!! :roll: :roll:

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