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Northern Rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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A neighbor called just after midnight needing a hand with a cow calving. I went down and we pulled a nice bull calf without alot of effort. She was outside in a squeeze so I pulled the calf around in front of her so she could mother up a bit while he spread some straw next to the chute. I pulled the calf onto the straw then let her out-she took a few steps then wheeled and took a little hook at me. I evaded contact then she took off onto about a ten foot snowdrift piled up along side the corral. Well she disappeared from sight and when we looked she was wedged between the drift and a drill stem fence-kind of standing on her back legs-as we walked over to form an extrication plan she plopped out her calfbed-she is now resting comfortably after 130 grains of pain reliever.
NR...........I think that OLN should have a camera crew tagging you.......ain't sure whether it would be a documentary or a comedy but there would be some good stuff there!
Yeah things went horribly wrong there in about 30 seconds lol. My neighbor was amazed at my survival skills when that cow took after me-nothing quicker than a terrified fat man lol.
Badlands said:
Tie it off with a piece of inner-tube, cut it off, give her some penicillin and sell her next Fall.

I think you missed the last line of NR's post 8)
Mrs.Greg said:
Badlands said:
Tie it off with a piece of inner-tube, cut it off, give her some penicillin and sell her next Fall.

I think you missed the last line of NR's post 8)

Well if he can find somebody that will buy her, what does it matter? You'd be surprised at what some will eat! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well aged beef for sale CHEAP!
I think she's being appraised on the coyote grid even as we speak. I'm pretty sure she'd of died anyway before a guy could of got her out of there.
Tell me what is wrong with eating a spayed heifer?

One step further is a cow with a hysterectomy, healed up 6 months later.

No big deal.


I might have missed it, but I would assume NR shot her, because she was stuck between the snow bank and the fence, and there was little or no chance to save her, so he did the humane thing and shot her to end her suffering. I'm just guessing here, but I dont think it would have taken her very long to freeze to death with those parts lying in the snowbank next to her. Or maybe I am full of B.S. Would be interesting to know...
Silly me, I figured if he had a rifle in the truck, he probably had a shovel.

FWIW, the procedure I proposed is much less invasive than a C-section. Of course, in that case it is OK to cut one open. :wink: But it's not OK to put one back together?

Different strokes for different folks.

I'll make sure I call you when the next ones hamburger is ready-big difference betyween doing a C Section on a sedated cow in a vet clinic and trying to perform a uterine amputation on a half crazy cow wedged between a snowbank and a pipe fence in -20. I've seen a uterine amputation done before too-what's your success rate on ones tied off with a rubber band-somewhere south of zero I'm imagining. This cow was going into shock already-her prognosis wasn't great at best-probably a two hour job just to get her dug out of where she was.

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