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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2005
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After 4 years and over 3K dead, FINALLY!
kolanuraven said:

After 4 years and over 3K dead, FINALLY!

I would not get to excited, I doubt he will approve the stupid type of Benchmarks that the Democrats keep trying to get passed. I doubt there will be any 2 months or we are out agreement from him.
He's stupid if he doesn't set up some type of benchmarks.

Iraq will soon be the equal of a welfare state for us if not careful.

They'll never learn to walk on their own if we keep the training wheels on forever! We can't keep greasing the wheels with blood of our people!
here is an idea.

Lets not leave Iraq, but lets stop being involved. How, you ask, simple.

Lets pretend that Iraq is one big football field.
Put all our troops that are currently over there on the borders. And play ball. Nobody comes in, Nobody gets out! We'll just be the refs and keep everything in bounds.

If Iran, Syria, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, or any other RAGHEAD country wants in, we shoot 'em. If any RAGHEAD wants out we kick them back into play. Fix your own DAMN country, rather than complain and run away. If they try it again, then we shoot 'em. I am getting tired of showing compansion to a country who has none.

Meanwhile put it thru the worlds head that we will not tolerate ANY interference with this. They WILL fight it out amongst themselves.

AND if the muslims win, we nuke the whole state, just to show that we will not accept ANY FORM of muslim extremist government. I am sick and tired of this country and "its" polictical correctness. It is time to stand up for what we believe is right, and blow away whoever dares to stand in the way of that.
P Joe...you stole my idea, pure and simple. I've been saying almost that same exact same for years now.

No one here ever seems to agree with me....let's see if they agree with you!

I say let' em duke it out and then we'll talk with the guy who is left standing!
kolanuraven said:
P Joe...you stole my idea, pure and simple. I've been saying almost that same exact same for years now.

No one here ever seems to agree with me....let's see if they agree with you!

I say let' em duke it out and then we'll talk with the guy who is left standing!

Problem is the good guys rarely win in these oppressed nations. The winner will most likely be stronger and someone we will not be able to deal with like Iran. So then we end up at war with a stronger nation and we have no foot hold in the region.

Plus I know people like to say the war was about oil, well I do not think the war was so much about oil, but the staying in Iraq sure is. One responsibility of our Government and the President is to secure our economy and the value of the dollar and if we pull out in two months like the libs want we will see a lot worse gas prices and instability in the oil market than what we see now that everyone is whining about.

Give Iran or Syria control over Iraq's oil and we will not like life for many years. Allow these small countries to unite in power and economically and things will only be worse.

We are there and we have to stay until more stability can be reached. Took a lot of years in Germany and Japan and it will take a bunch in Iraq.

If nothing else the first Gulf War is proof of what happens when you pull out and allow your enemy to gain power. You just end up going over and finishing it years down the road.

But libs do not mind that, they live in the NOW time. Hillary could care less what my future Grandchildren have to finish. As long as they have power now! They are fine with any sacrafice future Americans will have to make.

Ever wonder why Libs always take the easy road in politics, they do not take stands that are unpopular they tickle ears of the uneducated and put off today's problems for someone else to deal with. Tickle the ears Joe Blow stupid voter and they get what they want.
aplusmnt said:
Problem is the good guys rarely win in these oppressed nations. The winner will most likely be stronger and someone we will not be able to deal with like Iran. So then we end up at war with a stronger nation and we have no foot hold in the region.

Plus I know people like to say the war was about oil, well I do not think the war was so much about oil, but the staying in Iraq sure is. One responsibility of our Government and the President is to secure our economy and the value of the dollar and if we pull out in two months like the libs want we will see a lot worse gas prices and instability in the oil market than what we see now that everyone is whining about.

Give Iran or Syria control over Iraq's oil and we will not like life for many years. Allow these small countries to unite in power and economically and things will only be worse.

We are there and we have to stay until more stability can be reached. Took a lot of years in Germany and Japan and it will take a bunch in Iraq.

If nothing else the first Gulf War is proof of what happens when you pull out and allow your enemy to gain power. You just end up going over and finishing it years down the road.

But libs do not mind that, they live in the NOW time. Hillary could care less what my future Grandchildren have to finish. As long as they have power now! They are fine with any sacrafice future Americans will have to make.

Ever wonder why Libs always take the easy road in politics, they do not take stands that are unpopular they tickle ears of the uneducated and put off today's problems for someone else to deal with. Tickle the ears Joe Blow stupid voter and they get what they want.

I can't agree with you on that. If the good guys are not going to break their back to fix their country, to hell with them if I'm going to let them sit on their ass while I do it.

I'm not saying let Iran, Syria, whoever waltz in and take over. We CAN and should prevent that. But I am sick and tired of pouring money into a country that is unwilling to help itself while they protest our existance and burn our flag.

If they have a better idea, please stand up and go to work. Otherwise shut up. In this world their are 3 things you can do. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Half of that county is not doing any of those 3.

Isalm is an idea. You will never overcome that idea unless you eliminate every last person that believes in it. Maybe it is about time we start. Otherwise we will end up like Europe when the idea of the Nazis starting moving across the country.
P Joe said:
aplusmnt said:
Problem is the good guys rarely win in these oppressed nations. The winner will most likely be stronger and someone we will not be able to deal with like Iran. So then we end up at war with a stronger nation and we have no foot hold in the region.

Plus I know people like to say the war was about oil, well I do not think the war was so much about oil, but the staying in Iraq sure is. One responsibility of our Government and the President is to secure our economy and the value of the dollar and if we pull out in two months like the libs want we will see a lot worse gas prices and instability in the oil market than what we see now that everyone is whining about.

Give Iran or Syria control over Iraq's oil and we will not like life for many years. Allow these small countries to unite in power and economically and things will only be worse.

We are there and we have to stay until more stability can be reached. Took a lot of years in Germany and Japan and it will take a bunch in Iraq.

If nothing else the first Gulf War is proof of what happens when you pull out and allow your enemy to gain power. You just end up going over and finishing it years down the road.

But libs do not mind that, they live in the NOW time. Hillary could care less what my future Grandchildren have to finish. As long as they have power now! They are fine with any sacrafice future Americans will have to make.

Ever wonder why Libs always take the easy road in politics, they do not take stands that are unpopular they tickle ears of the uneducated and put off today's problems for someone else to deal with. Tickle the ears Joe Blow stupid voter and they get what they want.

I can't agree with you on that. If the good guys are not going to break their back to fix their country, to hell with them if I'm going to let them sit on their ass while I do it.

I'm not saying let Iran, Syria, whoever waltz in and take over. We CAN and should prevent that. But I am sick and tired of pouring money into a country that is unwilling to help itself while they protest our existence and burn our flag.

If they have a better idea, please stand up and go to work. Otherwise shut up. In this world their are 3 things you can do. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Half of that county is not doing any of those 3.

Isalm is an idea. You will never overcome that idea unless you eliminate every last person that believes in it. Maybe it is about time we start. Otherwise we will end up like Europe when the idea of the Nazis starting moving across the country.

I can relate to a lot of what you are saying. Just do not think realistically it would work to our best interest to leave. In reality Iran and Syria would gain a strong hold on parts of Iraq and especially the oil fields.

Plus remember we invaded them, and many people seem to think it was unjust to do so. Since we came uninvited we can not get so antsy to leave when things are not moving on the time scale that we wish they would.

It is funny that most people that believe we should not be there in the first place are the ones that think we should just pack up and leave. Like I have said before, if we should have not been there, then we have a greater responsibility to stay and help out.

Besides with things heating up with Iran what kind of idiots would give up the strong hold in Iraq that borders Iran? That is ludicrous to ever think of leaving Iraq until Iran is neutralized. No smart leader of an Army would give up such valuable land.

I have always believed the number 1 reason we went to Iraq was to increase our strength in a region that produces probably the greatest threat our children and grandchildren will face.

Pretty smart idea to have control of an area that sits right in the middle of all our enemies. Why you think Iran and other countries want us out? They are scared to death that we control the region and can strike at will on them. I would never give up such a strong hole card!
aplusmnt said:
I can relate to a lot of what you are saying. Just do not think realistically it would work to our best interest to leave. In reality Iran and Syria would gain a strong hold on parts of Iraq and especially the oil fields.

Plus remember we invaded them, and many people seem to think it was unjust to do so. Since we came uninvited we can not get so antsy to leave when things are not moving on the time scale that we wish they would.

It is funny that most people that believe we should not be there in the first place are the ones that think we should just pack up and leave. Like I have said before, if we should have not been there, then we have a greater responsibility to stay and help out.

Besides with things heating up with Iran what kind of idiots would give up the strong hold in Iraq that borders Iran? That is ludicrous to ever think of leaving Iraq until Iran is neutralized. No smart leader of an Army would give up such valuable land.

I have always believed the number 1 reason we went to Iraq was to increase our strength in a region that produces probably the greatest threat our children and grandchildren will face.

Pretty smart idea to have control of an area that sits right in the middle of all our enemies. Why you think Iran and other countries want us out? They are scared to death that we control the region and can strike at will on them. I would never give up such a strong hole card!

I see your point. I didn't mean(sound) like we should pack up and leave.

Just leave the cities. Set it up like we have it in S. Korea. We have our bases and stronghold, but we don't have any direct interaction with the public. Let the locals fight it out.

If some one interferes, put a nuke across their bow! If we don't like who is winning, blow a few houses up to even things out. Make them either fix the problem or become the problem. I think we need to treat this thing like a mad cow, let them think they are in control, stay close to the border and just herd them in the direction we want them to go. :D

We have all thes missles and all these nukes. It is 'bout god damn time we start using it. Maybe these countries will take us seriously again :D
jigs said:
wish some one would tickle the ears of Hillery with a 30-06.

jigs...you having a relapse?? Been awhile since your threaten bodily harm to anyone.
Since when have we set benchmarks? Why would we tell the enemy what we are going to do. Can anyone imagine Roosvelt saying "Ok, Lets fight this thing for 3 years or 3 thousand deaths then quit". Since when have people fought wars this way. They havn't because if they did they would always lose. Any idiot can see that.

aplusmnt said:
Txwalt said:
Any idiot can see that.


You would think so! Common sense is not a Liberal strong point!

there a a few that cannot see that!

even one or two in this board that are blind in that respect! no names needed everyone knows who thay are.

oh i know another unprovoked post lol
anyone know what number this is? :D :D :D
Txwalt said:
Since when have we set benchmarks? Why would we tell the enemy what we are going to do. Can anyone imagine Roosvelt saying "Ok, Lets fight this thing for 3 years or 3 thousand deaths then quit". Since when have people fought wars this way. They havn't because if they did they would always lose. Any idiot can see that.


Excellent question Walt.

It seems that the sainted Dubya is the only one in history that seems to do wars ' his way...the way of the Decider in Chief! And the reason wars have not been fought the way we're doing it now is that the wars WOULD be lost...thus why no one ever did it that way!!!

The ' idiot' in question goes by the name of PRESIDENT of the USA!!
Txwalt said:
Since when have we set benchmarks? Why would we tell the enemy what we are going to do. Can anyone imagine Roosvelt saying "Ok, Lets fight this thing for 3 years or 3 thousand deaths then quit". Since when have people fought wars this way. They havn't because if they did they would always lose. Any idiot can see that.


So when do we stop? Look what happened in Vietnam. Years, tons of money, and many, many U.S. soldiers dead and wounded. Not taken care of when coming home etc. Vietnam is still communist---and we are trading with them!! Sometimes the cost of the war needs to be debated before we get into it. We needed an exit strategy before we started. This war has been bungled by the "decider" in so many ways, the cost is astronomical and the results are poor. Iraq still has less oil being produced than before the war. Sometimes you just have to say, "You are not smart enough to win, as you have proven, and the jig is up." (No disrespect, Jiggs)
Actually if you look at WWII there were benchmarks, time tables and goals galore...It was decided early by the allies that Europe took precedent- that the western front invasion must occur by 1944- and after Europes defeat it was decided that Japan had to be defeated by 1946 or the US Congress and Administration feared they would lose the US publics support of the war ...

This was part of the reason it was decided they needed to invade Japan- rather than just bomb them for a couple more years (at a huge civilian loss)...That and the fact to end the war quicker before Russia could occupy too much territory in Korea, Manchuria, and China...

The original plan was to invade Kyushu to set up a base of operations for invading the main islands and Tokyo- but the huge death loss on Okinawa indicated they could lose millions of soldiers in the invasion- which upon development of the nuclear bomb made Trumans decision much easier....

Even back then the officials knew that they had to do things quick and decisively and show positive results or they would lose the publics support...
Funny how many of us were for the war when it first started. Now when things aren't going well, we are opposed to it. Not too much different from a sports team that is well-backed and then dropped by the fans as soon as their record is low.
Having goals is one thing. Setting a benchmark for defeat is a completly different matter.

Txwalt said:
Having goals is one thing. Setting a benchmark for defeat is a completly different matter.


Whats' your defn of a ' goal' vs a ' benchmark'?

And where do you get the idea that benchmark = defeat?

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