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Bunch of idiots

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Jan 9, 2006
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Anybody who sees this as sport or entertainment is living on another planet," Ken Erickson of the Calgary Animal Rights Coalition on Sunday.

"I mean, animals are killed and injured almost every year at the Stampede and the only way to stoop it is to ban the chuckwagons and rodeo."

His group had about 12 protesters outside the annual event's grounds.

However, the Calgary Stampede's management said ending the chuckwagon races is not even up for discussion.

The activists have little support amongst cowboys and Stampede visitors.

"Well, that pretty much puts and end to the Stampede doesn't it?" said spectator Joan Kirwan about the group's demands. "I mean, that's the whole purpose of coming down here."

David Ryan, another Stampede-goer, said: "I think it's part of our heritage and part of being out in the West. It's what we do."

Racer Wayne Knight said: "We work 12 months to race three months and every day we feed those horses and look after them just like kids. If they get a cut we get a doctor."

The Calgary Stampede -- which is synonymous with Alberta's largest, richest city -- dates back to 1912, with chuckwagon racing starting in 1923. The Rangeland Derby event, which has four horses pulling a chuckwagon around a track, currently has prize money of $1 million.

The chuckwagon races -- often called the half-mile of hell -- are the final event of the night for the rodeo portion of the Stampede. There had been nine days of racing and 79 races without incident in the 2007 Stampede before the disaster happened.

Saturday night's accident occurred as the racers were heading into the first curve. Two wagons bumped, setting off a chain reaction.

One horse died instantly, another had to be euthanized on the track and a third was put down overnight.

One driver was injured, suffering a broken arm. One outrider possibly saved even more injuries and chaos when he jumped into a wagon where the driver had been ejected.

Veteran drivers admit this doesn't make their sport look good.

"It's the worst aspect of the sport that any driver wants to see. You have guys that get hurt, you have horses that get euthanized," said racer Kelly Sutherland.

Since 2000, 11 chuckwagon racing horses have died at the Stampede.

Just before the 2005 Stampede, a group of rodeo bucking horses to be used in the rodeo got spooked as they were being herded across a bridge over Calgary's Bow River. Nine of them plunged to their deaths.

Greg and I know Tyler Helmig,the driver that got hurt pretty bad,way more then broken arm but its part of the game,hes already talkin racing next year,hes got quite a recovery ahead so we'll see. The thing these idiots don't get is these horses would prob be put down cause thier finished race horses.

Anybody see that outrider jump into Tylers wagon,then crawl down the front to get the riens....that kids a brave young man :!: :!:
That was quite a performance young Vigen put on climbing into that wagon and on up the pole between the wheelers. He and Rio managed to keep them clear of the other wagons, which is doing something given the situation. I see Kelly interviewed on TV, and he did nothing to change my opinion of him.....
DJL said:
That was quite a performance young Vigen put on climbing into that wagon and on up the pole between the wheelers. He and Rio managed to keep them clear of the other wagons, which is doing something given the situation. I see Kelly interviewed on TV, and he did nothing to change my opinion of him.....
Yaaa...greg was NOT impressed with Kellys interview :?

Vigen and King impressed the heck out of me for sure
Maybe the guys in charge ought to start talking bull fighting. It will cause the discussion to change from chuckwagons to the bulls and when they win you can all get drunk an celebrate the victory.

Keep the chuckwagons. Life is uncertain, and I would sure as hell prefer to die behind a magnificnet team than in a hospital bed with tubes up my nose.
Tyler was debating whether to go for another season before this whole incident, I heard he has a broken him and arm. I can't imagine how fired up Cindy is towards Kelly Sutherland, I dont think it's settling in on how serious this accident was.

I hope he continues to ride next season so we can sponser him again for Grande Prairie Rodeo.

Chanse Vigen is really living up to his dads reputation as little Grizz.
There was an article in the state ag paper about an investigation going on for animal cruelty down at the HS Rodeo finals from last year in Springfield.. Headline was something like "Still no charges filed".. I haven't had the time to read it yet but these things are going to be going on more and more with Rodeo's, Horse racing whatever because of the occasional accident/mistake that costs a critters life.. Just the way these folks look at things.
When watching the races on Friday night the annocers had talked to the SPCA guy that had spent the week at rodeo....he said the wagon horses were probably the best looked after horses he had ever seen.

Goodpasture you lost me on "and when they win you can all get drunk and celebrate the victory"???What makes you think anything the animal activists do would win favour from us,or did I misunderstand you :???:
Did any of you see the running of the bulls in Pamplona ? The PETA folks were there in droves protesting in the nude again...

I was rooting for the bulls, just thinking of the impalements I could see on one of those PETA folks :shock: :D :clap: :twisted: :lol: .....
Speaking of the bulls...............

In Nogales, a cowpuncher was eating at a local cantina when he noticed the entree' on a neighboring table looked delicious.

He called the waiter over, and said "What's he having? I sure would like to have some of that!"

"Oh, Senior", said the waiter "That is the "mountain oysters" from the bull that was killed in the bullfight this morning. There is only one fight a day, and so only one serviing is available".

"The cowpuncher replied "Sign me up! I want a plate of those "mountain oysters" tomorrow".

The next day, the cowpuncher came into the cantina and was served the "mountin oysters" he had been anticipating. They were very delicious, but not so large as those from the bull the day before.

He called the waiter over..."Say", he said "How come my order of "mountain oysters" is smaller than the one I saw yesteday?"

The waiter replied "Well, Senior, sometimes the bull wins".
cowgirl2u said:
Speaking of the bulls...............

The waiter replied "Well, Senior, sometimes the bull wins".

Only a bullfighter will fight a bull with a big knife when he should bring a hand cannon. :twisted:

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