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Bee sting

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
NE Oregon
Yesterday I was getting something out of the chain box on the front of the flat bed trailer. I found a bee nest in there. Or I should say the bees found me. One sting on the right index finger. It was a hot one. So I made a baking soda paste which took the sting away. No more sting but it sure itches this morning. As a result this morning I have an itchy trigger finger.
My goodness, an index finger string. That sounds rough but at least you received emergency medical attention in a timely manner. :ROFLMAO:
Oh dear, that itchy finger must be quick on the keyboard hunt and peck. I will be proceed with caution today just as soon as I quit shaking in my sandals. :oops:

Maybe a good day to go for a showdown at the rattlesnake rocks above your place. I recommend knee high boots and heavy leather chaps. :) On second thought, Kevlar chaps, vest, and gloves might be best with your record of venomous bite attacks. :LOL: Just cut the tip off the glove index finger for trigger finger happiness. ;)
My Dad always used to tell me that is was good for your system to get stung by a bee or yellow jacket every once in a while.
Yellow jackets not so much, but honey bees yes. Before I got my mineral and vitamin regiment worked out, I would purposely let honey bees sting me on elbows and wrist and that helped with my tunnel syndromes and nerve pain.

I find wasp stings very unpleasant with one sting, years ago in the roof of my mouth when a wasp got in my lemonade unbeknownst to me. While I have been stung on the face several times and that was unpleasant, I think one of the worst was a few days ago, when a black hornet or dirt dauber stung me on one nipple. So much for smashing wasp nest wearing a cool loose top and no bra. I can't take Benadryl due to glaucoma, so I was prescribed cortisone and antibiotic cream. I needed the antibiotic cream because it itched and I scratched. That is a big no no.
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As requested by Big Muddy

A Wasp Killer in Love
by Mountain Cowgirl

It wasn't the painful swollen wasp sting on my face
That made me beg for the Good Lords, healing grace

But rather my thinking of my rancher guy
And his love for the natural look, I won't lie

When a nasty dabber stung me in a personal place
As I pressed the trigger on the wasp, killing mace

This devil escaped falling in my top, no bra
And strung the sagging nipple on my left, ta ta

My love wasn't present to suck the stinger out
So with soda, aloe vera, and ice, I took that route

So I weigh the cost of displeasing my love my man, eighty four
By donning an uncomfortable full padded bra, I will say no more
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I got no sympathy from my man, the old cradle robber
About the assault on my boob, by the vicious dirt dabber

It was my own fault for posting my past, ranch woman best
The time is passed, it's too late, to play a damsel in distress

So, I guess it is time just to toughen it up, expect no treat
Over the vicious painful assault, damaging my old left teat
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