Soapweed's Ranch Ramblings
The writings of a Nebraska Sandhills cattle rancher!

Shade-tree Church Chatter
Sept 29, 2002

There are three churches served by one minister in our area. Population around here probably averages about two square miles for every person. There is a sparse enough population that it is becoming increasingly harder to gather a "quorum" to even hold services in each individual church, so lately all three congregations have been "meetin' in the middle," and just having one service.

One 84-year-old gentleman usually rides with others coming from his town, but today he offered to drive his big white car, and he had as passengers two ladies. They both wanted to ride in the back seat and make believe he was their "chauffer," but he finally talked one of them into riding in the front with him. We were laughing about it after church, and it brought to mind a lady and her husband who lived in town when I was a kid. She ran a little knick-knack store that sold "sundries (whatever that is?) and trinkets." This couple, Katherine and Alf, spent a month one time down in Alabama. She became infatuated with the sophisticated Southern lifestyle, and though they were but mere Merrimanites, from that time forward she spoke with a fake southern accent. Whenever they went anywhere in their automobile, Alf drove and she rode in the back-seat pretending he was her chauffer. She subscribed to a daily paper, but after reading it, it was always for sale at full price in her store.

There was another eccentric and frugal lady who came to church occasionally when I was a youngster. At the time, the collection was taken up before the preacher gave his sermon. This lady habitually stood out in the entry way until the plates had been passed, then slipped in to listen to the sermon. Those were the days. God rest their souls.






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