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  1. H

    million dollar pony

    I don't now horse pedigrees like some of you serious enthusiasts, but that Lot 65 looks like one that could raise some awfully nice colts. That's the kind I'd be after. Fun to look at that link. :wink:
  2. H

    I ordered this one

    Oh yeah! That is a good one! Complete with Old Crow, rattlesnakes and kerosene. Can't beat a story with those ingredients! Thanks!!
  3. H

    I ordered this one

    That's a good looing rig, Haymaker. That will be a fun deal. I never could find that post on the rat incident. I somehow missed reading it the first time around and I don't readily see it in a search for "rat".
  4. H

    4th time under a saddle...and a wreck. Now what?

    Sounds like you're off to a good re-start on this saddling thing. Seems like your approach of letting him wear that saddle around in the round pen by himself for quite a while should be a real good deal for his mind. Can't be much longer and he'll know that it's not going to hurt him. Good...
  5. H

    4th time under a saddle...and a wreck. Now what?

    LCP, I'm not a horse trainer, but I play one in the movies! Nah, it sounds like you've got your head right and will do fine. No reason to quit unless you're dealing with a truly wild one that wants to fight you. Otherwise, it sounds like you just had a misunderstanding or some bad timing on...
  6. H

    Definition of a good horse

    Well, I'm young enough to still want one to get out and move. If I have to keep the horse checked up a little I don't mind. As long as the beast doesn't want to spook and run off, I can handle it. It's the spooky ones that have gotten me in trouble. Otherwise, I can't stand a horse that I...
  7. H

    Just a thought on Marketing

    Flying S, the nature of the transaction that you're trying to promote is exactly what many people would like to participate in. Forget, for a moment, the exact terms of the deal. People want to buy from someone that they trust and they want the product to be as it was advertised. This is true...
  8. H

    Just a thought on Marketing

    How about a sale format where the seller states: I'm telling you the horse is this, this and this. You take him home for 30 days and make sure you ride him. If you aren't satisfied that I represented the horse reasonably well, then we'll work out a return or swap. After that time, no more...
  9. H

    Anyone here have experience with Arabians?

    Well now you're really lost your marbles. Ha :!: Juuust kidding, juuust kidding. :stop: :P HP
  10. H

    Anyone here have experience with Arabians?

    On the draft side of things, I believe the Percheron breed includes some Arab blood way back when it was being developed, right? If that's right, then a little Arab sure didn't hurt those horses. The better ones have a much nicer head and overall look than a Belgian. I've sure seen a ton of...
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    Anyone here have experience with Arabians?

    I'd never have any interest in one. With that dished-out face and tail wanting to poke up all the time, I have little desire. They seem to be pretty frail for doing much roping of critters. But heck Whitewing, down there in Venezuela I don't know that the neighbors seeing you ride one would...
  12. H

    Horse Market

    FlyingS, are you planning on selling or buying? Looks like there ought to be some bargains at Butch Black's horse sale in Gordon. May be a little hard to dig through and know what you're getting, but a person might get a good deal if the homework was done. HP
  13. H

    Bad horse runaway

    It takes a pretty gentle team to be called "parade broke", perhaps these were not qualified. It's the owner's judgement call as to whether his horses are safe. My dad would never allow his team in a parade, even though they were broke to the highest standards. As a kid I was always mad that...
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    Corgi's Gone Wild Picnic

    Looks like the owners have lost their minds, let alone the dogs "gone wild". :lol: Any dogfights? :shock: :lol: HP
  15. H

    First 2010 Stud colt born today

    Lookin' good there, highlonesome. He has that uniqe splash there on his nose so he's a marker for sure. I guess you must have rubbed him down pretty good and made him think you're going to be his friend. That's fun to have a new baby on the place. Enjoy. HP
  16. H


    I've seen it many, many times. When aggravated by the addition of an English saddle the patient will revert back to the functionality of a 4-year-old and will be of little or no use to society. The patient will display overt signs of "I know everything about any kind of horse" mentality...
  17. H

    a little Christmas present

    How about another picture of him there, Robin? Would like to see him again from the side. Enjoy him, either way. HP
  18. H

    This year's ponies

    My pick is also #4, but I'd be plumb tickled with whichever one you wanted to sort out for me. Very nice and lots of potential, I'm sure. Are these some of those "Slow Race Horses"?? Looking good and congratulations on a fine crop. HP
  19. H

    Rope Smart

    Yeah, now I can quit my day job since I know how to shave a tenth or two off of my time. That's the break I was looking for! Kidding, kidding. If it's good enough for Allen Bach and David Key... HP
  20. H

    Country Pleasure Driving Class gone wrong

    Jumping in front of that rascal was a poor decision. I feel bad for the guy that got way-laid, but he wasn't qualified to be "helping out". Guess we all do the best we can in a bad situation. :cry: HP