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  1. R

    A few pics

    After all these years there is still something heartwarming about a husky little baby calf. Thanks for posting.
  2. R

    Interesting comparison

    My 2012 Ford F350 gas pulling 10 cows in a steel trailer would get about 9 mpg but I buy my fuel for $1 a gallon less. Just not a lot of difference in any of them.
  3. R

    Did anyone notice the ad at the top of the page?

    Mine is for the Angus Report and the Kansas City steak company. Sounds pretty good.
  4. R

    Oil Drops To $68.32

    It seems to me the Saudi's and OPEC have taken a calculated risk that they can break some of the US oil companies, especially the ones in the Dakotas and the oil sand production. I'm sure this new US production has hurt them a lot and could hurt them even more if we ever get the pipeline built...
  5. R

    Finally Found Oldtimer

    So who was the accordion player on the Lawrence Welk show? I can see him and hear him but can't say his name.
  6. R

    Ranch Pictures 11-16-2014

    Boy, I'd say she sure bought them at the right time and at the right price. The first calf will darn near pay for the cow. Smart move.
  7. R

    Veterans, Thank You...

    Same here, George.
  8. R

    Two Beef Checkoffs?

    What authority does Vilsack have to set up another check off and not have a referendum for three years? Does this mean he plans to manage our money? Or is this a government tax on our cattle business? I know I sound negative but I don't trust the government one bit.
  9. R

    Cattleyard that sits empty...

    FH, I'd say if they can hedge a profit in them then go ahead and buy them. If not sell the corn and buy puts. If corn should increase a little then they would gain. If not they only lost their futures money and they can sit in front of the fireplace in January and take a nap. Sometimes it is...
  10. R

    Cattleyard that sits empty...

    I wouldn't touch it. In any market whether it be cattle, grain or the stock market you can tell when it is reaching the top when lots of folks who have limited experience in the field want to spend big bucks to get into it. Many times they will lose their shirt. You admit you lack experience...
  11. R

    Trinity River Bottom Festival

    Great pictures. Looks like a really fun time. The Lovestruck Cowgirl wasn't bad either!!!!
  12. R

    Can Am Side by sides

    I have a gator 825i with a bench seat and it will run 45 mph with a 50 horse gas engine. I've never been that fast but it will really go, much faster than my old gator 6 wheel. I got the deluxe cab but didn't get the glass doors as I thought I could find some canvas or plastic doors similar to...
  13. R

    I blew it

    It pays to shop around when buying replacement belts. I have a NH BR780 and I broke a belt. Went to NH dealer to get a new one and they wanted $400 which I thought was a lot. Wound up going to a farm store and found one for $229....same exact belt. Looked on the internet and found them for...
  14. R


    I, too, would be very interested in finding who makes a baler with greaseable rollers. I think those sealed bearings that run out of grease are a major cause of baler fires. I know I have sure come close a time or two with super hot bearings. I'd think it would be a big selling point...
  15. R

    Are ID cards not racist?

    Likewise in Kansas
  16. R

    Clintons seek to avoid a tax they once supported

    Why does he need to save any money? He's on a lifetime welfare deal that sets him up pretty good anyway. Typical liberal, wouldn't have a clue about managing his money.
  17. R

    JD 7410 question

    I have a 6000 series tractor and there are two wires that hang down underneath the tractor that plug into each other. Sometimes weeds or brush will pull them apart and unplug them. When that happens the tractor won't move until you plug them back in again. Then the reverser works fine.
  18. R

    Foxnews Is SMOKING All Other News Channels

    I really hope that votes in November will be similar to those rankings. We could get rid of a lot of liberals if that trend would continue over into voting. Maybe it is time for the pendulum to swing the other way.
  19. R

    Spring update #4 or whatever season we have

    Really great looking cattle and those little guys are a husky bunch, You should be real proud of those cattle. They are so slick and shiny, I assume they lose their winter hair a little later. Mine are looking pretty ragged right now but in a while they will lose that winter hair and really...
  20. R

    Bundy Women can own property too

    Excellent post. This guy knows his history. He's not some crackpot demonstrating in the city park. He is intelligent and sure makes his point. Thanks for posting.