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  1. kolanuraven

    McNab dogs

    Not yet....haven't had time. We are in high hay season right now..... you know what that is....
  2. kolanuraven

    McNab dogs

    Yeah, I don't come thru much. Hopefully this site will get better and come back. Anyhoo...I have gotten another shelter do and lo and behold he's a McNabb dog. He was turned in by his owner. Never had one. He is GREAT!! GREAT manners, no problem with my " herd" of Heeler dogs...
  3. kolanuraven

    McNab dogs

    McNabb dogs....pros and cons please. I know some of ya'll use them
  4. kolanuraven


    McNabb dogs....pros and cons
  5. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    GAWD....you just get worse. Like I said, I'm done. If you won't bother to ' learn', it's not my fault.
  6. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    Pretty " feely" , huh? You are an internet scientist and seem to educated yourself in all the ways NOT to understand a virus. I will give you one word to help you understand genetic variants ,MENDEL. Look him up.
  7. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    Is this a trick question? You really aren't that ignorant are you?
  8. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    Oh I wasn't happy and I 110% totally despise the man. But, I'm not the type to let someone with a peach switch chase me outta my house. He is trash, all bluster and blow and just something to endure as it will pass. It passed.
  9. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    See, this proves you can not comprehend. I didn't say I was leaving, I just said I was done with this thread. Bless your heart!!! SMDH
  10. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    And H if you are sick and tired of how the gov't here treats you.....why don't you pack up and leave?
  11. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    I am gonna close this thread. You guys will not answer a direct question. You can't. And as far as me " telling" you what to do with your life, find where I said that. Honestly, at this point, I really DO NOT care what you do. You don't care, so why should I? I'm ever more a fan...
  12. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    I never told you what to do with your life. I asked a question WAY WAY back, 6 pages ago and no one has YET to answer it.
  13. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    NO ONE ever said they would prevent you from catching CV. Don't you people ever actually listen to science.? Do you know what is in the antibody treatmens?
  14. kolanuraven

    Hanta Yo here poking my head in to say HI!

    Ahhhhhh..you missed me!
  15. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    No you didn't
  16. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    No you didn't.
  17. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    #1..I am NOT a mind reader. I have no idea what anyone " intends" to say or think. You didn't clarify. And yet, you're gonna stomp off mad and not answer the question asked of you. Typical " Ranchers.net" response when confronted.
  18. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    After a full 5 pages of " yap yap", any of ya'll wanna actually answer my question? If you say you a fearful of the shot, fear of gov't-don't trust the shot-don't know what's 'in' the shot- for whatever reason BUT then you test positive why do you seek out get the treatment of ReGeneron or...
  19. kolanuraven

    Honest Question

    No...you TOLD me. Data...data...data...