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  1. M


    No, I have not been there.
  2. M


    Joan of Arc is here again. In all French life her spirit lives. Her vision of Domremy is seen. The stern battle at Orleans is portrayed. The fearless girl stands holding her holy banner while the soldiers storm the gate. Afterward, all clothed in white, she stands upon the fagots which the...
  3. M

    Windows 10

    I have windows 7 on my home computer and also on the one at our business. I upgraded the business one to Windows 10 and then a GE illustrated parts catalog would not work with it so I went back to 7 (which is not as easy as they claim). Had to reload the parts catalog and a few other things...
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    Ranch Kid Goes To Army Basic Training, Part Two

    I went through basic in Fort Leonard Wood, MO. I went in in September, so the weather was not too bad. Sometimes it rained on us coming back from the rifle range. Sometimes we got a truck ride back, but then would spend the time we saved marching on the parade grounds. We started out with M1...
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    For South Dakota go to http://www.safetravelusa.com/ for Nebraska go to http://www.511.nebraska.gov/ http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a367/mnollett/Fredona%20TX_zpsuwws1cwv.jpg?t=1451356127 Fredona Texas yesterday, storm past, should have roads open now.
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    To All

    I don't know the origin of that manger scene, but it was in an e-mail from a Family & Life organization in Ireland. I liked it so just copied and pasted it right from the e-mail.
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    To All

  8. M

    mice in S central montana

    Went out to Clarence's place to do a little work. When around the fuel barrels I smelled something dead. Investigating, I found a large bull snake that had gotten above the hinge on an old refrigerator cabinet used for storing things. He was so full of mice that he got stuck. There were a...
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    Sparky had a close call, July 19, 2015

    Dad always had a rule: Never bring a loaded gun in the house or car. Always followed that rule.
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    Journal of J.J. (Jack) Moreland, Merriman, Nebraska - 1949

    That was an interesting story. Very few wrote down what they did during the storm. As for the "Light plant", in those times light was the primary need, so the title. My dad purchased a 500 watt, 120 volt "Light Plant" from Sears in 1947, my older brothers bought a 25 cent book from Sears with...
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    Home made soap

  12. M

    Software upgrade

    "Help me to journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown. Give me the faith to leave old ways and break fresh ground with You." — St. Brendan
  13. M

    From the book HI, STRANGER! by Joy J. Fairhead

    According to a book that I have, there were four of five Poirier's that came from France to Canada in early days. The Pourier's here could be related to the Poirier's in Saskatchewan, but would be distant relatives.
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    Shortgrass needs our prayers

    I think that sometimes we receive more grace from God through suffering than through prayer, if we are able to accept it in a prayerful way.
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    Shortgrass needs our prayers

    Prayers from here too.
  16. M

    Tumbling Tumble Weeds

    Russian thistles come up pretty early in the spring, if you happen to get a late frost, it will kill them.
  17. M

    WORD OF CAUTION- concerning the use of generators

    I recall a time about 52 years ago that I went to Cody, Nebraska to repair a combination washer/dryer for the Methodist minister there. When I got there the minister had gone to work, but his mother (or maybe mother-in-law) opened the door and told me that the ministers wife and children all...
  18. M

    welder ?

    When I was in High School we had a welding class one year, and have found use for it through the years. We have an old Almand welder here at the business and use it occasionally.