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  1. H

    "Creating/Inflating EPD's"

    One thing a person needs to keep in mind about ratios is the fact that they do not compare all of the calves in one ranch's offering. If done by the book, calves from one pasture would be in a contemporary group separate from calves in another pasture. It doesn't matte if they were born the...
  2. H

    Ralgro and bulls?

    Sounds like he took a wrong turn there. Bulls are loaded with testosterone. If they're too young to breed cows then that's just the wrong set of bulls for his cows. I'd be very wary.
  3. H

    Thoughts on replacement heifers

    I have few cows but work with a big ranch that takes care of them. I definitely like the home-raised heifer much better as we have mated the cows the way we want them (through a lot of A.I.) and we are working at all traits that we can measure to improve and select replacements. The...
  4. H

    raising twins

    I think this answers it fairly well. Thanks!
  5. H

    raising twins

    Hey, everybody sure clammed up. Nobody wants to take a shot at my question? I'm truly interested to know if a cow actually milks more with twins on her. How else would twins "draw a cow down" so to speak?
  6. H

    raising twins

    I had a cow raise twins two year ago and she got along just fine in a medium-sized buffalo grass pasture. Twin heifers were not huge at weaning but she had two calves to show for it and that paid better than one big one! It's good to have a few twins now and then if you have a larger number of...
  7. H

    Banding calves at birth?

    Guy that runs my cows knife cuts at birth. You have to be a bit of a contortionist but it works pretty well. Probably not the best scenario to get out of the way of a protective mother. :shock: Banding would likely get more votes from the majority. Just make sure you get both of the...
  8. H

    Legendary Cattle Breeder Dies

    That was a pretty lame shot. :roll: Maybe get up and go outside if you're that unhappy about life. The rest of us are trying to enjoy it. :D
  9. H

    Which sale to put in for?

    I think $2.00 for 600 lb. steers will be too cheap this year. There will be better money later on. If a person were considering marketing dates I'd go with a later date this year. Calf supplies are not large and feeders will be frantic to fill their needs in the fall. The August feeder...
  10. H


    McCumber Angus in North Dakota will probably fit the bill for the type of cattle that you want. If smaller framed is your ball of wax then by golly they've got some good ones. The Angus breed definitely covers all frame sizes and philosophies of breeding. My replacement heifers are closer to...
  11. H

    2014 Bull Sales Results

    Seems like an Angus bull with a pulse is worth $5,000 and the good ones are worth $10,000. You can sure pay less if you deal with smaller breeders and don't go to the name brand sales. At these prices I really enjoy synchronizing and A.I. breeding as many cows as possible with my partner...
  12. H

    Food for thought for winter calving

    My partner calves our heifers in late February and cows I March. We feed out our calves and want them to finish in April to get the high April fed cattle market. This year there has been a $10/cwt. difference between the April futures and June futures for live cattle. That's how we price the...
  13. H

    Calf prices

    Yeah, I've found it works to sell them in the country!
  14. H

    AI tech problem

    Your AI friend is too lazy or too busy to breed his own cows by AI but he's willing to make time to breed yours for cash. That, or he really likes your bull. Take it as a compliment, I guess. 8)
  15. H

    Canadian cattle

    Shouldn't be, but if she has CAN burned on her butt you may run into some resistance. :wink:
  16. H

    Replacment heifers

    I understand, second hand, that the man that bought them had been buying them for 7 years now and he was going to own them again, no matter what. That's called "old money". :lol:
  17. H

    calves on cows all winter

    Bought a couple pregnant 3-yr. old fall cows in Sept. for $1600 each. They calved in 2 weeks after the purchase so, bingo, right away they got cheaper. I'm going to run them over and make spring calvers out of them so there will be 6 months of free sledding for the cows. Calves will have to...
  18. H

    Red Angus/Simmental cross

    I have Sim-Angus (black) cows and get along great with them. A blanket statement about disposition just doesn't seem to capture the picture for the whole breed. They're probably not as docile as say, a Hereford, but I get along fine and they're better than a couple of Angus cows I recently...
  19. H

    Balancers- To Cross or Not to Cross?

    Simple, you just need to call Dan Warner. Here's his site: http://www.warnerbeef.com/ He's a real cowman with a very good set of Balancer cows. Young fellow that tries real hard and is not a fly-by-night operator. Absolutely won't be a waste of your time to speak to him. Don't worry about...
  20. H

    Feed salesmen can turn cattle feeders into millionaires

    That's why feedyard managers use consulting nutritionists. These folks are not feed salesmen, but advice salesmen. They are measured on performance of the cattle and financial results. Kind of puts me in mind of the adage that states "Never ask a barber if you need a haircut". :D