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  1. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    In answer to your general question: Yes! It is called stockpiling and is best accomplished with tall fescue. I think I might have mentioned that. As for hay...... Don't buy equipment and make your on on your tract of land. That IS expensive. However, before you say hay is expensive, consider...
  2. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    I agree completely about the gamut of extension, district and federal employees. I hope I'm not one of those that can't dump water out of a boot to get to the instructions! I don't try to be something I'm not. I'm upfront with who I am, what I know and what I don't know (I try to learn what I...
  3. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    Your personal method of livestock production will evolve over time. My intention is to help you get started with something that works that you can modify to your preferences over time. The real 'danger' right now for you is starting or doing something that you have to completely start over with...
  4. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    I tried to attach a document. Instead I just made it part of the text. I haven't written a lot, but what I have is usually well received. The 4 'commandments', as you referred to them, is what I authored. What I really only did was take some concepts (the 4) and boil them down into something...
  5. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    Ops! I said 4 DAYS rest. I meant 4 WEEKS rest (28 days) see Never Fail Rules.
  6. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    I'm off and on today. BTW, Happy New Year! So I apologize for the numerous posts instead of one or two. However, each post is a different thought, so the 'break' might be a good thing separating thoughts and allowing them to be considered separately.. You mentioned you need to research grasses...
  7. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    A comment on goats. They will pretty much require woven wire fencing, althiugh 5-6 strand high tensile has been known to work. Watch your herd carefully for any individual "Houdini" that constantly gets out and my suggestion is to get rid of this animal as quickly as possible. Individual goats...
  8. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    I just looked up congo grass. It's not that you can't deal with it, but it's not going to be easy, if that is what it is. Currently, there is no single treatment that effectively eliminates cogongrass infestations. The most commonly used herbicides to treat cogongrass are glyphosate and...
  9. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    It's a lot to take in. Consider reaching out to the NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) to get a GMP (Grazing Management Plan) developed for your land. They have (should have) all the expertise that is needed to develop a plan for you (with your input) that will address most, if not...
  10. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    In other words. buyer beware. But it's not a given it's a bad deal either.
  11. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    True about splitting the calf off, but getting 'just' a bred cow isn't a bad deal in the sense it's a 'twofer'.
  12. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    To the point of buying stockers, consider that if you purchase a newly weaned heifer to breed, it will be 2 years before you have any beef to sell IF you have beef to sell. IF you buy a stocker and grow it, you sell the animal and have the difference between the purchase price and the selling...
  13. M

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    Probably the best advice an established cattle producer would give you is: don't start. (That's a joke, but the point is, know what you are getting in to) First and foremost is going to be your pasture setup, which is going to entail rotational grazing likely as the main focus. But, you have to...