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  1. C

    NW South Dakota

    I have been offered a position in NW South Dakota (near Isabel). If anyone is in that area, can you PM me? I'd like to find out any information about the employer, since he got to check my references, it seems fair that I see if I can find some also.... Thanks in advance. RLTW, CP
  2. C

    Word Association Game

    My horse flipped over backwards on me once....well, like ten times actually, but he was a bull-ropin' son-of-a-bitch.
  3. C

    Looking for a riding job

    Resume and references sent to FH's contact. Still looking for a riding job in the meantime, if anyone knows of anything...... :D
  4. C

    Word Association Game

    Spade Bit Horse
  5. C

    What is it? (quiz)

    The first pic is the remains of Roman fortifications. Do I get a cookie for being right?
  6. C

    Word Association Game

    "Never expect a feller in a new hat to be worth a damn."
  7. C

    Word Association Game

    "Spring into action men!"
  8. C

    Looking for a riding job

    Hey FH, Spoke to Darin this morning. Sounds like a nice guy. Got the ball rolling. Thanks again!
  9. C

    U.S. Wages Food War Against Somalia

    F*ck Somalia. If the skinnies would quit putting up with local warlords taking the food donations and fight back, none of this would be an issue. Instead, they are still stuck in an 8th Century mindset. They're not even advanced enough socially, to be true Muslims. They kill each other off at an...
  10. C

    Caption this

    "If we do it again, our next kid can be the President too!"
  11. C

    Looking for a riding job

    LOL...No sweat ma'am. I posted the above before I spoke to you on the phone this morning. Although, per my PM, I did leave a message for him....
  12. C

    Looking for a riding job

    Faster Horses, Tried calling the number you gave me several times yesterday and today with no success, not even getting voice mail..............
  13. C

    blue heelers

    I know guys who'll rope your dog and drag him a couple miles (all in the interest of teaching him to lead, of course) if he starts trying to "help" uninvited........
  14. C

    Ranch help needed in SE Montana

    Cowhunter, Thanks for that lead.....Not real interested in Florida though. I spent some time in Florida when I was in the Army.....I can't see far enough to not be claustrophobic.... I know, beggars shouldn't be choosers, but I'd prefer to stay west of the 100th meridian......
  15. C

    Ranch help needed in SE Montana

    Nope. Mine are A.K.
  16. C

    Ranch help needed in SE Montana

    I find this thread interesting to say the least. I'm not a land owner, and wasn't raised in the ag industry. Hell, I never sat on a horse til I was a 19 year old soldier! Once I started riding, I was bit hard by the bug. I dayworked on weekends and on leave. Anything to get an introduction to...
  17. C

    Looking for a riding job

    PM sent in return Faster Horses, thanks a million! I was offline for a day or two.
  18. C

    New music?

    I don't know what ya like, or who ya normally listen to, but I'm a big fan of Corb Lund band outta Alberta, in addition to the normal cowboy music standards, Brenn Hill, Dave Stamey, etc..... I describe Corb Lund as sort of "punk-cowboy" music......."Horse Soldier! Horse Soldier!" is possibly...
  19. C

    Homeland Security Lost hundreds of Guns,

    I don't know why anyone is surprised that the TSA is staffed by gunsels. If you pay someone $8.00 and hour, you're gonna get an $8.00 an hour performance. If we wanted TSA to get serious and do a good job, we'd pay a decent salary and make it mandatory that TSA agents have either combat arms...
  20. C

    Shooting bison

    I worked for a big ass outfit on the Colorado-Utah line several years ago (better part of a decade now, actually, yikes!). One of the neighbors used to run a pile of buffalo instead of cows, but they kept ripping out his fences, so he'd end up getting trespassed by the BLM several times a week...